
小弟的签证还有8天就到期的,home office一直说我材料不全,一会是暑假里不读书,现在是要我来英国2年所有的学校证明,我怕我6.30号之前拿不到签证,请问如果签证到期的话能在英国合法留多久,在这之间能再去续签吗?听说找律师是比较好的,能告诉我在英国找律师的途径吗?我真得很着急啊!小弟第一次续签就弄得一塌糊涂,家里人也很着急!谢谢各位了

[ 编辑者 sky520cyy 于日期 22Jun04 ]


Are you 100 percent sure that thet said so? It’s radiculous…Firstly, they can require you to study in Summer time…Secondly, what were the materials you prepared for?

The materials: The most recent attendence, police station registration, offer (better be the acceptance) from your further Uni or College, passport and the three-month bank statement…also you may need your house contract, your results you’ve got, etc…If you have time left and they didn’t reject you, just go and reapply for it personally…


If your visa is overdue, it’ll be illegal for you to stay in the UK any more…

After the expiration date, you’d better reapply as soon as possible…If you’d like to hire a lawyer, you need to be carefully…Try some Chinese newspaper, you’ll see the relevant info…
