
从明年(2005)四月起,在英国续签的收费由现在的250调高到400镑以上,(具体400多少我忘了,大家可以到HOMEOFFICE 九月LATEST NEWS上面去查),工作签证也涨价了.

Fees for foreign nationals using immigration services will be increased in April 2005 in a move that could save UK taxpayers £100 million in 2005-06, Home Office Minister Des Browne announced today.

The Government is also consulting businesses and other stakeholders on proposals to include appeal and enforcement costs, as part of the overall fee, for the first time. This will ensure that those who benefit from immigration services pay for the cost of delivering them, rather than UK taxpayers. Over £70 million has already been raised through charging in 2003-04 - costs that would previously have been borne by taxpayers.

The consultation shows the impact of the appeal and enforcement costs on charges for the following immigration applications:

Charges for foreign nationals working in the UK who need to extend their stay (eg work permit holders) may increase from £121 to between £265 and £300. Also leave to remain fees for those who need to extend their stay in the UK, such as students and spouses, may rise from £250 for a premium service to between £430 and £495.

Fees for the Sectors Based Scheme, which meets recruitment needs in hospitality and food processing, may rise from £153 to between £230 and £270;

Highly Skilled Migrant Programme fees may rise from £150 to between £320 and £375;

Travel document fees for those who cannot get or use a passport from their own country could range from £25 to £270 depending on which type of document is applied for.

[ 编辑者 milkbutterfly 于日期 24Sep04 ]



于 2004-09-25 22:25, carbon 写:




我刚看了homeoffice的网站。。什么都涨了怎么会 这么样啊 摆明抢钱嘛~~~

于 2004-09-25 22:25, carbon 写:

