





printed e-application or completed form VAF1 - see Downloads (please ensure all questions are completed in full and that you sign and date the form)

the appropriate fee plus shipping & handling fee, which are non-refundable (see fee details below)

your original valid passport

your previous passport if your current one was issued less than a year ago

your original Canadian Immigration document (e.g., Canadian Permanent Resident card)

two identical passport size photographs taken in Canada (less than 6 months old)

(see photograph details below)

evidence of the funds available for your visit (e.g. recent bank statements for at least the past 3 months)

a letter from your school / college showing that you are enrolled as a student and will be returning to your studies

evidence of your flight bookings or itinerary from your travel agent

(if visitor in transit) evidence that you have permission to enter the country you will be visiting (e.g. visa/residence permit)

a letter from your employer giving details of your employment, stating the length of your holiday and that you will be re-employed on return or if self-employed, evidence of your business registration

a list of your family members, to include where they live and their relationship to you

a note stating the purpose of your visit to the UK

a letter of invitation from your sponsor if you have one

a note stating whether you have any intention to reside or work in the UK

if this application is for a child 16 or younger, a letter from the child’s parents or legal guardian stating that he/she/they support the application


application form download

于 2004-10-10 07:57, michellelee 写:


只有领事馆在vancouver 但是可以受理的你 申请 表格最好亲自去领事馆拿 地址在 down town howe st 附近. 你要去问问 具体的地址我都给忘记了 靠近荷兰的领事管.你要准备你去英国的来往的飞机票 以及一份旅行计划.其实所谓的旅行计划就是 你的往返的日期 以及你在英国在那里住 最好在网上 订好 打印出来以后 就取消掉 一般会扣你20多块钱.一个旅行保险 大概是28左右.必须要买 还有学校的一个证明 你在读书.还有银行的证明 最好在8000左右 如果不够可以找同学借下 出了单子马上可以还 结果可以在一个礼拜出来.你是在vancouver 如果有需要我可以帮你一下 电话是 604 657 3674 david 不收钱.


David,我打了你好多次电话,但是都说the customer you are calling is unavailable. 是不是你的电话cancel了啊?我很急求您的帮助。

