

1、很多人都说不要买leasehold的房子,我看了几个leasehold的房子,都是100年以上的lease,按理说不影响居住吧,每年要交25胖子的地费,除此之外我看不出有什么不妥之处啊?是不是一定要买free hold的房子啊?




lease hold得房子,怎么说都不事你得,其实说白了就是一次性把房租给付清了而已。 这个就是为什么一般人不愿意买lease hold得原因了。



house肯定要freehold, flat绝大多数都是leasehold.

flat 比较麻烦的是要交service charge,每个月100-几百不等

不是说leasehold房子不能买,一般lease hold的都是flat,新的那些flat都要交物业费的,每年都会涨价,涨多少完全是管理方说了算的,非常的贵。free hold的房子相对来说就比较合算,而且将来要在花园搭个阳光房什么的,跟council打声招呼就可以了。
看房子的同时就可以开始找mortgage了,拿着银行的agreement in principle去看房子,中介会把你们当做serious buyers,尤其是repossession houses,没有那张纸,中介是不会考虑你的offer的。去银行咨询的时候,一般mortgage advisors都会给你一本东西,上面有买房子的详细步骤。www.rightmove.co.uk上也有给first time buyers的详细guidance.

还是FREE HOLD吧, 虽说我们活我到100年, 可是房子这种东西都可以留给子女的啊。。


1, Leasehold is definately ok…I m in the process of buying two properties in London at the moment, they both are leasehold…The only problem you might have is that the deal will take longer than freehold house to complete, because your solicitor will have to contact the land owner who is well known for taking time replying…
2, Once you agree the price with Vendor, if you pay 100% by cash, then you can almost do it straight away. Inform your solicitor and get the deal done. The solicitor will do all the paperwork & valuation which will take approx 4 weeks, they will set up the exchange date which is the date you exchange contract and pay deposit(usually 10%), then followed by completion date which you obviously will pay the rest of the money then get the key… if you need a mortgage, then its a little complicated, you will have to agree with your building society how much they can lend you, they will also send the valuator to your property to make sure its worth what its selling for…
3, regarding to the timing, I would say its much depending on yourself. If you buy it for live, then it probably doesnt matter when you buy…but if you buy it to let, its a different matter.
Anymore questions, you can pm me, I might not be able to answer all of them but I have some very good contact that will for sure be able to assist you.

楼上的解释的很详细,我想请问下楼上的,我目前也是在伦敦寻找2bedroom flat to sell,目前看中了foxton上的一个房子,现在正在讨价还价阶段.我想问下,我周围的朋友都说foxton卖的房子偏贵,水分偏大,是这样吗?