世界杯延续:Homecoming Celebration for Dutch Football Team

I love this nation’s spirit, even tho they didn’t win the champion, they still celebrate for their team’s good performance in this world cup.
These people you see on the pictures, they started waiting from around 10:30 am till 4:00 pm when the football team passes this canal.

Alrighty! No more words, let pictures talk :-). Hope you enjoy them :-).

the performance of the dutch was a disgrace hell yeah they should celebrate :roll:

with that being said, cool pictures.

Only watched 2 matches of the Dutch team, so I cannot give that much detaileld comments.
However, what we cannot deny is that the Dutch team made to the final … I woud consider this as part of the “good performance” :-).

Aaaaaaand, thank you for liking the pics! :slight_smile:


昨天和外边舞动的人群一起+超大声的DISCO音乐,感觉一个人在家开了个PARTY !
蛮有意思的, 呵呵。。。。。。




有好多警船在巡逻的, 可能大家相对比较克制吧!