nottingham vivienne westwood part time sales assistant position

We have an exciting opportunity to join our Nottingham sales team in the position of Part Time Sales Assistant. We are looking for an individual who strives in a fast paced customer service based environment. You should have a love for fashion and be able to show good knowledge of designers and current trends. You will receive a high level of training as well as the opportunity to deal with an in demand luxury product range. You will receive a generous basic salary along with personal commission and a staff discount.

这个job vacancy公司没有放在网站上,如果有同学感兴趣的话可以带着cv和cover letter去nottingham vivienne westwood找Richard, 或者联系我qq:35232005。请注明vivienne westwood, 谢谢

很棒阿 我9月份可能去nottingham读fashion marketing
不过可惜了 我正在发愁那门考得很烂得补考 如果。。。。我就去不了了


是trent的fashion marketing嘛

是的mm 我拿到con offer了 因为有门补考 成绩还没出 可惜我考砸了 正在家哭呢 失落死了 从小到大都这么不顺利


mm 也在读这门课嘛???

我很想读阿 可是本科最后一个补考我给弄砸了 万一不能毕业 我就不能去诺丁汉了





position still available :cn02: