


一. 外资银行(投行)行业全接触:
外资银行是指在本国境内由外国独资创办的银行。外资银行的经营范围 根据各国银行法律和管理制度的不同而有所不同。有的国家为稳定本国货币,对外资银行的经营范围加以限制;也有些国家对外资银行的业务管理与本国银行一视同 仁。它主要凭借其对国际金融市场的了解和广泛的国际网点等有利条件,为在其他国家的本国企业和跨国公司提供贷款,支持其向外扩张和直接投资。外资银行有的 是由一个国家的银行创办的,也有的是几个国家的银行共同投资创办的。

1979年日本输出 入银行在北京设立了中国第一家外资银行代表处,拉开了首都银行业对外开放的序幕。首都外资银行发展经历了四个阶段:1979年到1995年,以代表处形式 存在,主要从事与代表外国银行业务相关的联络、市场调查、咨询等非营业性活动;1995年底到2004年,以外国银行分行形式存在,开始经营外币项下商业 银行业务,在此阶段共有24家外国银行分行在北京开设分行;2004年12月到2006年12月,外资银行业务由外币延伸至人民币项下;2006年12月 至今,实施“分行与法人并行,法人导向政策”,取消对外资银行经营人民币业务在地域和客户对象上的限制,已有摩根大通、友利、韩亚、德意志、新韩、法兴等 6家银行改制为在京注册法人,辖内34家分行中已有19家改制为法人银行分行,其余15家外国银行分行中也有4家即将改制。

首都 外资银行自开始从事经营性业务即第二发展阶段以来,资产、业务、网点规模持续快速发展,截至2008年6月底,在京外资银行资产总额1987.36亿元人 民币,较1996年底增长12.64倍;贷款余额739.23亿元人民币,较1996年底增长10.25倍;存款余额767.89亿元人民币,较1996 年底增长22.20倍;网点由1995年底的5家外国银行在京分行发展成6家在京注册法人、19家我国注册法人银行在京分行、15家外国银行在京分行、 28家支行。步入第四发展阶段,即实施法人导向政策以来,外资银行在京经营的广度和深度得到了大力拓展,改制法人银行已成为在京外资银行发展主流,截至 2008年6月底,已开业各法人银行北京分行资产总额占辖内外资银行资产总额达76.72%;各项贷款占比78.61%;各项存款占比90.71%。


[b]1. 中金(CICC)

网申Open Question:
您希望我们了解的其他信息 (如:爱好、资格、培训经历、社会工作、成就奖励等)
面试准备 http://www.cicc.com.cn/CICC/chinese/jobs/page3-3.htm
● 了解投资银行业务;如果你对中金公司的职位感兴趣,但又不知道我们到底是从事什么业
● 了解中金公司和你所要申请的部门;中金公司在中国的投资银行发展史中占有重要地位,
● 仔细阅读工作描述,理解工作内容及需具备的能力与技能。
● 不同的面试官会问不同的问题。通常的面试问题会包括两类:你是否具备应聘职位所必需
● 中金公司的公司文化即体现了我们在聘用人才时所看重的基本胜任素质。
● 一次成功的面试是你与面试官就面试问题坦诚自然的交流过程。我们相信预测未来行为的
● 我们的聘用原则是挑选最合适的人。我们相信每一位求职者都是某一方面的优秀人才,但

2. 高盛 Goldman Sachs


• 联络信息
• 教育背景
• 语言技能
• 考试成绩
• 工作经历
• 荣誉、证书、技术能力和其它技能
• 申请在高盛就职的动机


• 语言技能:我们在欧洲和亚洲的一些办事处会有具体的语言能力要求。
• 考试成绩与证明文件:如果你在欧洲国家(奥地利、德国、意大利、荷兰、葡萄牙、斯堪的那维亚、西班牙和瑞士)学习,公司会要求你提交成绩单。请确保申请时一并提交这些证明文件,否则申请将被视为不完整。
• 工作经历:请确保列明你之前的所有相关工作经历,并说明这些经历与你的成就如何能够证明你具备在高盛获得成功的潜力。
• 申请动机:公司要求你在申请材料的申请函中举例说明你能为公司贡献的素质,并描述个人申请的动机。


• 请在提交申请材料前确保所有信息都是完整和实事求是的。
• 你可以最多向两个部门和两个地区提交申请。
• 在评估申请时,我们寻找的是学业出众同时又积极参加俱乐部、体育或职业活动的应聘者。

你的第一次公司面试将在大学校园或公司办公室举行,时间为30分钟。与你面试的部门最多可以有两个,可以是你所申请的部门或公司认为你可以胜任的部门。 面试属于行为型面试,主要侧重于考察你过去的经历、成就与未来目标以及你是否适合并有兴趣在高盛工作。




• 追求卓越的热情:我们怀有共同的决心,即在我们承担的所有项目中追求卓越。
• 相信团结就是力量:我们的工作环境讲究团队协作。我们积极征求他人的想法;在条件允许的情况下以共识作为行动的基础;确保所有团队成员在成功完成任务后获得相应的褒奖。
• 正直感:个人与工作中的信任是公司业务的核心所在。我们希望你在成为团队一员之后能够保持最高的职业操守并做到事事公平。
• 领导素质:我们希望团队成员展现其领导素质,主动从不同角度思考问题,为客户或同事加倍付出,并在可能的情况下保持长远的眼光。
• 渴望迎接挑战:我们不断为客户和公司寻找更新更好的做事方式。我们寻求有动力和愿望在充分挑战其智力的岗位上工作的人才。
• 志在影响世界:我们希望了解你如何挑战自我,追求卓越;在哪些活动中充当团队的领导或积极成员;在哪些情况下你的创新思维取得了成效。为了达到这样的要求,你需要有很强的目标感与奋斗精神,并将其带入你每日的工作中。


• 浏览我们的面试技巧模块。我们提供了全面的面试技巧提示和暗示培训,帮助你更好地为面试流程做准备。现在进入
• 做足功课:在你参加第一次面试之前,尽可能多地了解高盛公司、金融市场和公司业务领域的情况。你对我们了解得越多,不管是通过咨询校友、教授、朋友还是上网查询公司情况,你在面试中就会越有信心。
• 思考如何回答这些问题:我想做什么工作?为什么想做这份工作?我如何说服他人我过去的经历能够帮助我做好这份工作?
• 将视野拓展至课堂以外:虽然我们强调个人的学术成就和严谨,但我们也寻找全面发展的、积极参与所在社区活动的人才。课外活动、社区活动和其它团队项目都可以很好地证明你懂得如何平衡并同时肩负多项责任。
• 提高你对整个世界的关注:我们希望你能关注国际时事。全球及区域性的宏观经济和政治活动都对我们的业务有着深远的影响。
• 最大限度地利用面试机会:参加面试前准备好向我们提问。利用面试机会更多地了解高盛和金融服务业。了解着装要求并合理着装。记住更新你的履历/简历,并随身带上一份。我们的招聘人员、面试官和经理在整个招聘过程中都要参考以上信息。
• 做回自己:这应该是最重要的准备高盛面试的方式。我们寻求的是聪明、表达能力强和不做作的应聘者。




3.JPMorgan Chase 摩根大通

上投摩根 http://www.51fund.com/gsjs/zpxx/
摩根大通在中国的业务经营始于1921年。在之后的十年中,公司通过在上海和天津的分行,为当地和外国公司以及政府机构提供金融服务。1981年,公司将 总部设立于北京。如今,摩根大通已成为在华为数不多的涉及投资银行、风险管理、外汇、债券承销、现金管理、贸易融资及私募股权投资等领域具有领先地位的综 合性外资金融机构。2007年7月,经中国银监会批准,摩根大通成为北京首家外资本地法人银行。
作为一家拥有1.7万亿美元资产和逾200年历史的全球金融业领导者和先驱,摩根大通的声誉也是众多求职者选择公司的原因之一。 我们提供的工作机会范围涵盖投资银行、资金和证券服务、资产管理以及私人银行等多个业务领域。
Learn more about J.P. Morgan to engage with promising candidates and hopefully convert them into successful hires:
• Working in Partnership
• Why J.P. Morgan?
• Opportunities
• History
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Awards & Recognition


  1. Look at our website, learn as much as you can about J.P. Morgan, our business areas and our culture. If you know people who work in investment banking, particularly within the business area you’re interviewing with, don’t be afraid to contact them and ask them questions.
  2. Read the financial press regularly and be prepared to discuss topical issues.
  3. Know yourself - think about why a career in financial services and the business area to which you have applied is of interest to you.
  4. Most of our interviews are competency based, so think about aligning your key skills with relevant examples. If you have not had much interview experience, attending practice sessions at your university careers service can be beneficial. Remember - however prepared you are you will still need to show that you can think on your feet on the day. Key skills and competencies that we look for within each business area are highlighted in the Internship and Graduate Opportunities sections.
  5. Practise - there are many examples of numerical tests available online for you to practise.
    1.Wear appropriate business dress and act professionally at all times.
  6. Allow plenty of time to travel to your interview and plan your route the evening before. Arriving too early or late is an unfortunate way to start your interview.
  7. Watch your body language - posture, hand shake, eye contact, and smile.
  8. Make sure you mobile phone is switched off.
  9. Structure your thoughts, have confidence and be honest. Think about each question carefully before responding and answer as best you can.
  10. Be yourself and don’t be too nervous; your interviewer is only human. Demonstrate your interest by having some questions for us. This is your chance to learn more about our business and culture.
  11. Answer the question asked rather than the one that you have practiced. Never give ‘parrot fashion’ answers.
    • Think about what you hope to achieve by talking to certain people and why
    • In order to make a good impression, it’s important to be organized and confident
    • Prepare questions and think about how to describe yourself, what you’re studying and what career you hope to achieve
    During the event
    • Ensure you leave your “comfort zone” and approach people to politely introduce yourself. If you’re unsure of who’s who, use the graduate recruiters to introduce you
    • Shake hands - a firm hand shake goes a long way
    • Don’t feel nervous about approaching a group of people i.e. business representatives who are already talking to students
    • Ask appropriate and concise questions, and ask questions that require more than yes/no answers
    • Be clear in your communication. The people you meet understand that you may be nervous but they will respond favorably to someone who is genuine, interested and non-aggressive
    • If you’re not very confident, try not to attach yourself to the first person you speak to
    • Always pay attention to the person you are speaking to and be interested in what they are saying
    • During the event, moderation with alcohol is important - over indulgence can leave negative impressions
    • It often helps to make notes following the networking sessions. These may come in handy if you apply for a position
    Example networking questions 和公司招聘人员如何social?
    At all of our events we bring a range of people along from different business areas to answer the questions that are really on your mind. We want you to fully understand the opportunities we’re offering, so that you can make your application with confidence. But we understand that when put on the spot, it’s not always easy to come up with questions. We’ve highlighted a few to get you started:
    • Why did you join J.P. Morgan?
    • What’s the difference between J.P. Morgan and its competitors?
    • Are there any downsides to working here?
    • What do you have to do to get promoted?
    • How easy is it to work abroad?
    • What are the differences among the business areas?
    • Have you experienced any difficulties - and how did you overcome them?
    • How do you balance your work and personal life?
    • What has the highlight of your career been so far?
    • How long did it take you to feel like you were making a real contribution?
    • Was there a big culture shock when you joined?
    • Tell me about your experience as a summer intern?
    • Who’s been an inspiration to you?
    Business cards
    The good old business card is still one of the best networking tools. At our campus networking evenings, you’ll notice that we give you personalized business cards on arrival. Hand these to the J.P. Morgan representatives you want to impress, and those who have impressed you. These cards are also a great way for us to catch up with you after the event.

4. UBS 瑞银银行

During the interview process, you’ll be objectively assessed against UBS’s seven basic competency requirements. These are basically ‘raw’ business skills and are outlined in our ‘How we assess you’ section.

Once you are familiar with these requirements, you’ll know what we’re looking for and understand how our evaluation works. It’ll then be up to you to show us that you have the necessary competencies for your desired position.

So, think hard about the position you’ve applied for and then carefully read the job description. Then re-read it and really try to focus on what the position involves. It’s vital that you fully understand the role, its requirements and its demands, so that you can be as well prepared as possible for the interview.
UBS interview tips

• UBS interviews are competency-based interactions, so try to make your answers relate to our seven core competencies.
• You’re going to meet several people you’ve never met before, so smile, make eye contact and greet everyone warmly.
• Be enthusiastic and polite, but don’t overdo it.
• At the end of the interview, thank everyone for their time.
• Send a thank-you email to follow up.

By taking a meticulous approach to preparation and keeping core competencies in mind, you can feel confident in performing well in you interview.
Basic interview tips
Preparation and research

Practice makes perfect. The best way to improve your interview skills is to use them. If you have not had much interview experience, participate in interview workshops on campus, and practice interviewing with friends, family, a professor or a business associate. The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.
Know your area. You do not need to be an expert, but you need to demonstrate your knowledge and focus on the job or business area for which you have applied. You should research general information about the firm, gain an understanding of the markets in which we operate and have a more detailed knowledge of your chosen business area. Asking insightful questions is a great way to begin a good conversation and promote dialogue.

Know your area. You do not need to be an expert, but you need to demonstrate your knowledge and focus on the job or business area for which you have applied. You should research general information about the firm, gain an understanding of the markets in which we operate and have a more detailed knowledge of your chosen business area. Asking insightful questions is a great way to begin a good conversation and promote dialogue.

Know the people. Make sure you attend one of our campus presentations or events and meet with representatives from UBS. Get a sense of who we are, how we operate as an organization and what our current and future priorities are.

Read all about it. The most outstanding candidates demonstrate knowledge and understanding of our business and the market environment in general. Consult finance media (newspapers, magazines, websites), look at how UBS is positioned and check economic indicators such as the stock market and interest rates. Explore our website, and if you know somebody at UBS, talk to them.
Interview techniques

Relax and be yourself. If you’re properly prepared, you have no reason to be nervous. Think of the interview as a focused conversation. There is no need to put on an act or impress by exaggerating.

Be open and honest. We want to know about your ideas, interests and experiences, so that we can discover what you have learned from them. We want to know more about your thought processes and how you resolve issues and address problems. Who you are is important to us, so tell us.
Answering questions

Listen and think. Listen carefully to the question, and think about what the interviewer is really asking. Take your time, you do not have to answer immediately. Repeating or rephrasing the question or asking for clarification can be a good way of composing your thoughts and preparing your answer.

“Some people just start talking without thinking about what I’m really asking. If you haven’t thought about the question, what’s the point of trying to answer?” – UBS recruiter

Don’t pretend you know. If you don’t know something, it’s better to admit it. Honesty will get you further than bluffing.

“Some people think that if they take up time and fill space, I won’t notice that they don’t know the answer.” – UBS recruiter

Open up. Don’t limit your answers. Open questions give you the chance to express yourself, so be thorough and give appropriate examples in your responses.

Be direct. On the other hand, try not to be long-winded in answering a very specific question. Brevity can be a virtue, especially when time is a factor, so get to the point as quickly as you can.

Experience counts. To read about the interview experiences of recently hired UBS empolyees and our recruiters, check out ‘Words of advice’.
Be prepared
“Before your interview, learn as much as possible from the website, newspapers and other sources.”

“Think about yourself, your qualities, strengths and weaknesses. You have to know yourself and what you can contribute.”

“I did some role-play training. By the time I got to the interview, I’d had a lot of practice.”

“Have a view on the stock market, economy and where the business is going. You will be asked questions about this.”

“I didn’t know the stock price but I knew the UBS story – that’s what seemed important. I could tell the interviewer where UBS was coming from and where it was going.”

“Always have examples to give.”
Use your contacts
“I talked to someone who said the best decision I could make was to go for UBS. I listened to him because he’d been in the industry a long time, knew all the top firms, was aware of what was happening in the market, and was so enthusiastic.”
Build a relationship
“Company events are a great way to get recognized and to start the relationship. My advice is to go to all of them if you can. Collect cards, make an impression and be enthusiastic. It’s a networking thing. You are building relationships.”

“I interviewed a student who had clearly done his research, but had written his answers out on a piece of paper. When I asked him a question about teamwork, he read from the paper. There was no eye contact, no interaction. When he fired his questions at me in quick succession, I felt like I was being interrogated. This candidate didn’t have the skills to manage this interview, let alone a client relationship.”
Make the right impression
“I used the interview to my advantage. I often used to think about my weaknesses, but I found that interviews made me focus more on my strengths.”

“I was interviewing this student who absolutely nailed every question I asked. He was invited to the final interview and I asked what distinguished him from other classmates. He got very excited and started speaking very quickly and swearing a lot. It was so scary he made me move back from the table. At first I thought he was a model candidate, but he wasn’t. Imagine him meeting our clients!”

“Show energy, be straightforward, maintain eye contact.”

“At one of the receptions, I was talking to a student who really impressed me. He was a natural born salesman. I was with another five or six students I wanted to talk to. I asked them some questions but this candidate wouldn’t let anyone else talk, wanting to be the center of attention. Later, I was talking with a colleague and he told me that the same student had been around all the groups, always dominated the conversation and gotten on everyone’s nerves. He was not suitable for UBS because he would never listen to our clients or to his colleagues.”
Be honest
“If you don’t understand a question, there is no problem asking what they mean.”

“Before an interview, we were looking at a student’s resumé and noticed that he could speak three languages, including fluent French and German. The student came in and I spoke some French. He looked completely blank. We continued to interview in English and the student did quite well until my colleague took over and started speaking German. Again, the student looked blank. He had lied on his resumé about being able to speak French and German – a big mistake.”
Show passion
“Know what you want to do and why you want to do it. If you don’t really want to do it, it will show. You have to really believe in what you want to do and then convince the company of that belief.”

“Say why you want to work for UBS. That’s key. That’s huge.”
For interview research preparation, browse our Research materials section.

It is essential that you thoroughly research UBS before you walk into the interview. That way, the conversation’s more about what you know and have to offer and less about introductory information. Here are some good places to start your research:

• Check out ‘UBS at a glance’, where you can download our corporate guides and browse company information.
• Consult our ‘FAQs & glossaries’ section to understand industry-specific terms and concepts.

Take a look at ‘UBS in depth’ and read earnings reports in the news. Check out feature articles in finance publications and talk to people you know who work in finance.

At UBS, we value insightful questions over superficial or obvious answers. So prepare as meticulously as possible, and you’re sure to do well.


5. Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利

在 亚太区,我们率先推出业内首个与著名大学合办、旨在培养当地杰出年轻商业人才的“摩根士丹利商业精英培训计划”。学生由各大学及摩根士丹利通过严格程序 挑选出来。有幸参与该计划的“年轻俊才”将获得奖学金,并有机会以在职学习或暑期实习的方式到公司各部门工作,从而使其在就学期间就能深入接触到实际的工 作环境。目前,该计划正与区内以下五所著名大学合作:香港科技大学(HKUST)、位于台北的国立台湾大学(NTU)、新加坡国立大学(NUS)、韩国汉 城国立大学及位于悉尼的澳洲管理研究生学院(AGSM)。基于这些院校及广大学子的积极响应,我们的下一个目标是将此计划扩展到北京和上海。
至:[email protected]
Interview with us
We typically have at least two rounds of interviews for our graduate and summer programs.

Interviews will be arranged either on campus or via phone for the first round. Each candidate can expect to have approximately 2-4 30-minute interviews.

The final stage of our process is usually a full-day interview session held at Morgan Stanley’s offices in New York, London, Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore and Sydney.
Interview Questions - Asia Pacific

A successful interview requires solid preparation. Your answers should be clear, concise and show your genuine interest in the Firm. Interview questions are not always difficult; in fact, some can be quite simple.

Below are some examples of general interview questions you may be asked. You should also be prepared to answer specific queries about your background, your qualifications, previous internships or positions you’ve held, your school experiences and the accomplishments included on your resume.

We are interested in testing your interpersonal skills, motivation, career aspirations, company fit and leadership.

You should come with questions for us as well! The interview is an opportunity for you to ask about your role and responsibilities, the division you are applying to or Morgan Stanley in general.

Your school’s career services office, library or resource center can help you find other sources and questions as you prepare for interviews.

General Interview Questions
• Tell me about yourself.
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• How would your friends describe you?
• Are you entrepreneurial?
• What are the most important things to you in a job?
• Give me an example of a situation where you demonstrated leadership.
• Give an example of how you worked on a team.
• How creative are you? Give an example.
• Why are you interested in the industry?
• Why did you choose to interview with us?
• Who have you met from our Firm? What did you learn from him/her?
• Describe the ideal position for you within our Firm.
• What qualities do you think make someone successful in business?
• Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
• Why did you select your college or business school?
• What courses have you liked most? Least? Why?
• What are you learning that will help you in your work with us?
• What do you do in your spare time?
• What would you like me to know most that is not in your resume?


我们珍惜每个雇员的多样性,想法,观点,洞察力,以及他们对工作场所创造的价值。如申请者在八周内未被联系,可将申请视为未获成功。 汇丰将保存其申请材料最多至一年,并可能将汇丰集团内其它合适职位空缺推荐给工作申请者。


7. 花旗银行(Citibank)


如果你有三年以上的公司工作经验,有相应的学位背景和出色的学术表现,具备优异的沟通、分析、规划能力,而且够自信,那么你肯定会对我们的管理培训生 项目感兴趣。管理培训生项目旨在培养有潜力的员工以胜任花旗内部未来的各种领导岗位。该项目每年吸收的人数取决于当年各商业部门具体的需求。2009年的 招募申请将会在2009年年初在本网站上公布。
Before you start our online application, please review the checklist below and consider the following motivation questions, which should help you decide whether you would enjoy working with Citi.
Motivation questions:
• Are you prepared to take on early responsibility?
• Are you excited by challenges?
• Are you effective working in teams?
• Can you work on your own initiative?
• Are you highly motivated, enthusiastic and driven?
• Have you read our web site to learn about Citi in more detail?
• Have you thoroughly researched the business division you would like to apply to and the program it offers?
• Do you have an excellent academic record?
• Are you looking for the opportunity to make a difference and to create change?
If you have answered “yes” to all these questions and are sure that a career with Citi is what you’re looking for, then submit your application and check your inbox for your receipt confirmation. We will carefully consider your application against our selection criteria. Citi does not use automated screening tools; a member of our recruiting team will personally review applications submitted online.

8.德意志银行 Deutshce Bank

德意志银行早于1872 年在上海设立首间办事处,并于2008年1月1日在北京正式注册成立法人银行 – 德意志银行﹝中国﹞有限公司﹝“德银中国”﹞,把原德意志银行北京和广州分行改制为德银中国分行,新设上海分行,并保留原德意志银行股份有限公司上海分行 从事外汇批发业务。2009年12月德银中国天津分行也正式开业。德银中国在中国法律法规和监管部门允许的范围内开展企业银行业务、个人银行业务和其它类 型的业务。德银中国现于国内经营的业务包括私人和工商企业银行、私人投资管理、环球市场、企业银行及环球交易银行、商业房地产融资等。此外,德意志银行母 公司还通过其它实体在中国涉足环球银行和资产管理等领域。

德意志银行现持有华夏银行19.99% 股份,并于2007年6月联手推出华夏银行信用卡。德意志银行旗下资产管理业务是嘉实基金的战略投资人,两者在业务发展上有密切合作。德意志银行还持有中 德证券33.3%股份。中德证券是德意志银行和山西证券的合资公司,于2009年7月开业,从事国内投资银行业务。
We recruit intelligent, dynamic and focused graduates who we think will excel. A financial or mathematical background is not necessarily a pre-requisite for a successful application, although you must be numerically competent for certain roles. Our comprehensive training programs cover much of the technical knowledge required, and prepare successful Analysts for a career with us.
Analysts may join Global Banking through the following areas: Asset Finance & Leasing, Corporate Banking Coverage, Corporate Finance, Commercial Real Estate, Global Transaction Banking, or Relationship Management. Regardless of which path you choose, you can be assured you’ll be joining a fast-paced, intense and rewarding atmosphere.

Following a London-based global orientation, you’ll participate in our induction program with the entire Global Banking Analyst class. As part of your training, you’ll receive an in-depth review on accounting, valuation techniques and an introduction to capital markets. You’ll also receive additional specific training. Your creative problem solving abilities, excellent communications skills and client-focused approach will help you deliver outstanding products and analysis to our blue-chip clients.

9. 渣打(Standard Chartered)







thanks for sharing



留爪 :cn07:


Am I still on 1st page, save 啦

LZ, 请问知道不知道Merrill lynch的numerical test 难不难, 多是什么类型的, 谢了先







wendy is good!!! we all know that!{:5_143:}
