关于换学校的签证 各种问题 求助 谢谢 谢谢各位

说明下情况,我签证是从21/09/10 到 08/09/11 现在在surrey university 读英文 然后这个月 Leeds 给我发了 offer 课程在 今年7月开始(pre session+master course).

1、我想第一取消我的目前的英文课程(如果我取消我的英文课程 我的签证是否符合以下规定?能否继续留在英国?或者 如果我剩余的签证还是有效的吗? 如果有效 我可否回国2个月 在用这个签证回到英国 然后申请我的新课程)
If your course ends early Close
If your course ends earlier than expected (because, for example, your education provider has cancelled your place on the course, or you have finished the course early), we will limit your permission to stay to 60 days. But we will not limit your permission to stay if it will expire in less than six months anyway.

If you want to leave your current course in order to study the same or a different course with a different education provider, you must apply for a new Tier 4 visa. The new education provider must be a licensed Tier 4 sponsor, and must assign a new confirmation of acceptance for studies to you.
You can start your new course before we have approved your new Tier 4 application if:
you have applied to us for permission to stay and study with a Tier 4 sponsor which has a highly trusted sponsor rating; and
your permission to stay and study in the UK with your former sponsor is still valid; and
your prospective Tier 4 sponsor has assigned a confirmation of acceptance for studies to you for your new course. 请问这几条是什么意思 有点看不明白 不知道我的情况可以试用么?
You will start your new course at your own risk, as we may refuse your application.
You cannot start your new course until we have approved your new application, if you are applying to us for permission to stay and study with a sponsor that has an A (Trusted) or B (Sponsor) rating.
If you are already studying in the UK when you decide to change to a different Tier 4 sponsor, you must make your new application from inside the UK. 关于这一条 如果我取消了我先在的课程 我是否可以回国申请我的新的签证?

3、如果我取消目前的课程 我的签证还是否有效 可否在继续多次往返?

  1. 取消是你自己不去上课,和课程结束了是两个概念。你因为自己的主管意愿不去上课了,如果学校也通知了HO,HO是有权利取消你的签证并且再你下次入境的时候,入境处工作人员也是有权利拒绝让你入境的。

  2. 如果你新的学校是highly trusted sponsor rating,同时你的旧签证没有过期以及新的学校表明他们同意,那可以在你拿到新的T4签证以前,就可以开始读新学校的课程
    但是LZ要注意这句话You will start your new course at your own risk, as we may refuse your application.

If you are already studying in the UK when you decide to change to a different Tier 4 sponsor, you must make your new application from inside the UK. 指的是,课程期间,你要转学,新的签证必须在英国境内申请

  1. 同问题一的回答



如果LZ现在的学校有很严的考勤,LZ看看是不是可以找个理由回国,比如要治病什么的。如果不严貌似想回国的时候回去就好了。然后等6月底学校的事情都办好了,让学校帮忙在7月申请新的T4 VISA了。



因为我的学费是分次交的 已经交了第一个 和第二个学期的学费。。。目前有一个月的假期。。。5月3号开始第三学期。。。。
