
如題啊, 最近跟london longboard的人講起, 他們想找一些拍運動有經驗的photographer幫幫忙, 拍一些照片, 可以的話, 拍短片也行。
我們基本上是沒有錢的, 但london longboard也可以說得上是愈來愈popular的一個group. 他們在設立網站, 希望有更多在英國其他地方longboard的人也知道他們的存在。
如果你想練習拍運動照片, 更是想有目的地拍一下短片, 請跟我們聯絡, 就算拍完了, 你對片子不滿意, 不想公開的也沒關係。

longboard是什麼呢? 跟滑板差不多, 板子長一點而已… 我們每個weekend都在hyde park聚會…有空就想看看我們吧~

下面是youtube上最popular的longboard的video, 我們也就差不多, 只是沒那麼多女生. 哈哈~

facebook group here:

哦 ,沙发{:5_136:}



沒關係, 反正就是試一下, 練一下~ 我們每個星期天都會在hyde park, 那個是比較輕鬆的session, 其他時間星期六會在倫敦不同地點, 大部份是公園, 有些比較激烈的SESSION… 明天london市中心有個叫critical mass的, cyclist, inline skater, skateboarder 和我們 longboarder一起travel round london town centre. :slight_smile: 歡迎來啊, evening 時份, london waterloo southbank 起點。 :slight_smile:

哈哈,我主要是不住london,不是很方便;不过星期天我要有空去London,一定去hyde park找你们{:5_137:}
明天london市中心的那個critical mass,我帮你在摄影版的QQ群里吼两声,帮你那活动加点人气{:5_137:}

:cn08:不在伦敦 有点小遗憾 有机会来伯明翰帮你们拍

INTERESTED!!! when I can join? {:5_142:}

pm me for detail

Cool!! you just missed the big one called critical mass… ><
We skate at Hyde Park every Sunday (if the weather is good) and we’re near the lake, well, you’ll definitely see us if you walk down the main walkway thingy…
Here’s the video made by our beloved Will on that day… :slight_smile: filming with a Canon 5D :smiley:
Check it out!!


I’ll pm you my number so you can text me. :smiley:

Cool!! you just missed the big one called critical mass… ><
We skate at Hyde Park every Sunday (if the weather is good) and we’re near the lake, well, you’ll definitely see us if you walk down the main walkway thingy…
Here’s the video made by our beloved Will on that day… :slight_smile: filming with a Canon 5D :smiley:
Check it out!!


I’ll pm you my number so you can text me. :smiley:

Oh, and are you interested in learning longboard as well? If so, definitely come and join us one sunday, there will be plenty of boards lying around for you to try! :smiley: