申请PSW,certificate 寄回国内了,仍可以用 transcripts 么?

今天去学校问我的 degree certificate 怎么还没收到,学校说“你的证书早寄回中国啦”:L 太疏忽了,忘记让学校寄到我现在的住址

请问这种情况怎么在这边申请 PSW? 学校的 support letter 说已经授予我学位,我可以继续用 transcripts 申请PSW么?印象中大家都是未收到学位的时候才用 transcripts。


申请psw可以用psw letter就好,不需要certificate


申请PSW 当然要毕业证 + 成绩单+学校出的PSW申请信

psw letter 是如果没有拿到certificate之前但是已经算是毕业的情况下用的,毕业证+psw letter 算神马???

那这种情况可以用 transcripts+PSW letter 申请吗? letter上写明了授予学位的日期,我们学校毕业典礼都不发毕业证的,过后寄到家里


哪个学校毕业典礼都不发毕业证的,都是在毕业后半年之内才收到学位证书,用psw letter 这是唯一证明你毕业的东东了,木有其他办法,如果签证不急,你也可以等收到学位再申请,学位证要是寄丢了还更麻烦,本来psw letter 就是用来申请 psw的,有它足够了



What documents you must send
If you do not send us all the documents we need when you make your application, your application may be refused on the grounds that you have sent insufficient evidence, and your fee will not be refunded.

You must send two recent passport photographs and your passport, along with proof of the following:
original certificate of award;
original letter from United Kingdom institution;
maintenance (funds).

What the letter must confirm
This letter must be an original letter (not a copy), on the official letter headed paper of the United Kingdom institution where you studied and include the official stamp of that institution. It must have been issued by an authorised official of that institution and must confirm:
your name;
the title of the qualification;
the start and end dates of your period(s) of study and/or research for this qualification at the United Kingdom institution; and
the date of award (no more than 12 months before the date of your application).
If the qualification is an HND from a Scottish institution, the letter must also include confirmation that the qualification is at HND level and was studied at a Scottish institution.

Extra information
If you are unable to provide a certificate of award (for example, when the application is made before your graduation), this letter must also include:
details of the body awarding the qualification; and
confirmation that the certificate of the award will be issued.

如果certificate你没有拿到, 比如说在你的graduation day(course finishing)和award day (Ceremony) 之间申请, 可以不交certificate(当然也交不了)。 但是如果已经拿到了certificate, 如果不包括在申请材料里的话, home office是有权利拒签的。至于成绩单, 想放就放吧, 不放也行。

