含泪跪问EEA2, 签证达人求你们进来..

好不容易结了婚,打算申EEA2, 发现一个问题. 在6月20号新换的表格里要求一项comprehensive sickness insurance, 看了下要求是private health insurance, 我们两个都是学生, 医疗都是NHS,哪能支付的起private health insurance, 不知道各位姐姐妹妹对这个comprehensive sickness insurance有没有什么了解,谢谢了~~~~:cn03:

P.S, 为啥我只能悬赏60两,要是有人能告诉我怎么办我愿意把银子都给你~~



有这样的要求吗?你再看一下清楚表格吧,有点奇怪。我们在公司里公司倒是办PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE的,个人不是富豪谁办啊?

有的,我们已经看过很多遍了,2011年6月20日新加的规定…:cn03: private health insurance很贵么…


This is from Chapter 9 (Appeals) of the UKBA’s European Casework Instructions

3.4 Sickness Insurance

Persons must not become a burden on the public finances of the host Member State. In paragraph 93 of Baumbast, the ECJ found that it was disproportionate for a lack of sickness insurance that covered emergency medical treatment within the UK to be a reason for refusing to grant a right of residence on this basis. Furthermore, the law in regard to the NHS prevents us from restricting people from obtaining medical treatment after they have been here for more than 12 months.

Presenting Officers should seek to argue that an EEA national who holds no form of medical insurance is not appropriately covered. Where evidence of medical insurance is produced, it must clearly demonstrate that the EEA national and their families are covered in respect of all pre-existing medical conditions that require medication and/or treatment as well as any treatment that may be required for serious or long-term medical conditions. Any arguments should focus on whether or not the EEA national or their families could be considered an “unreasonable burden” on the UK.

Article 7 (b) of Directive 2004/38/EC states that Union citizens should have ‘comprehensive sickness insurance’. The ECJ has yet to rule on the definition of this. Therefore, it is important that Presenting Officers highlight that the appellant must give details of the sickness insurance policy before the court rather than simply producing a cover note. Senior Case Workers should be consulted in complex cases.

Try to get a scheme from WPA
It is accepted by UKBA
Get the cheapest and most affordable scheme

PS: Not all insurance schemes are accepted according to UKBA standard

谢谢MM,好人…意思是说,insurance是应该cover我们两个人的,对吧? 可是具体怎么弄这个comprehensive 的呢? 还是要去买private 的么? 表格的后面有一句话说NHS的不接受…

Thank you very much indeed!!!

or apply for EHIC now if you are eligible
(you qualify when you are married to an EEA nation)

you can post at

There are some legal experts over there whom might be able to help.

You are welcome.

I suggest you give WPA a call and enquire about their scheme as far as UKBA is concerned.
You might be able to get a way with a cheaper rate but still appears satisfactory enough that UKBA has no reasons to reject your EEA2.


谢谢MM, 我们看了下,有三种价格的,各种价格cover的不一样,我想问下MM买的是哪种?最便宜的那种么? 大概17磅一个月,不知道这个叫不叫做comprehensive? 谢谢了