
有个问题比较棘手问问大家,有个朋友在大学读本科但是他被学校开除了, 他的签证到2014年10月到期。现在的问题是他又申请了同一所大学的其他专业而且拿到了
unconditional offer, 他没有换学校想问一下需不需要重新签签证,请大家给个官方说法 谢谢:cn17:


If you want to do a different course of study with your education provider

You do not need to get our permission if you want to do a different course of study with your Tier 4 sponsor and the new course will finish before your current permission to stay expires. Your Tier 4 sponsor will tell us that you have changed course.

If your new course will end before your permission to stay expires, you must tell us by sending an email message to [email protected].

If your new course will end after your current permission to stay expires, you will need to make a new Tier 4 application to us. You will therefore need a new confirmation of aceptance for studies from your Tier 4 sponsor. You can make this new application at any time before your current permission to stay expires, but we recommend that you do this as soon as possible.


LZ让你朋友直接去学校的INTERNATIONAL OFFICE找老师帮助电话改了专业就行了。。。不过要说清楚,如果当时被开除,学校就已经通知了HO,那么VISA可能在HO那里已经无效了。。。