

我上周四寄签的PSW,HOME OFFICE这周二给我发了EMAIL。整封信内容如下。

Applicant’s Case Reference Number :- Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Applicant’s Name :- xxxxx xxxx

You can now book a biometric appointment using the UK Border Agency Online Booking Service at https://ukbabooking.homeoffice.gov.uk/.

The Case Reference Number shown above will need to be provided in order to register.

Please note that the UK Border Agency Online Booking Service is updated overnight and therefore please do not try to book an appointment until at least the following day of the receipt of this e mail.

There is a time period of up to 15 working days to enrol for a biometric appointment, otherwise the application may be rejected as invalid.

If access to the internet is not available or there are any special needs to consider please call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 8895.

The biometric notification letter should be received shortly. The letter must be taken to the appointment as it needs to be shown on arrival.

Please do not respond to this email as this inbox is not checked and you will not receive a reply.

Information about booking appointments can also be found on the UK Border Agency website:

If this email does not relate to you or your client please delete immediately.

还有他写的15WORKING days,究竟是从邮件时间算还是从指纹信时间算呢。
我不明白这EMAIL究竟是什么目的。我试着预约了下,他给的CASE NUMBER是可以用来预约的。




刚才说的朋友就是我,你用电话预约就好,方便而且快,我就是问她确定的不用信,后来我按完指纹第二天才发现信来了。说你的Applicant’s Case Reference Number, 然后她会给你定个时间,还有会给你个BRN number,你最后只要拿着打印出来的你那封邮件还有那个BRN number就好了。我是在croydon。

恩恩谢谢你啊,我已经网上预约了,也有一个booking ref:4-1-xxxxxx 是这个格式的吗?