在线等半个小时,tier 4表格D项怎么填?一会就要寄了

D1,did the student obtain entry clearance or a visa at the start of their current stay in the united kingdom?
这项问的current stay是指最后一次签证吗?我就第一次是国内签的,其他全是在英国签的,这样的话是填yes吗?

D2,where did the student obtain entry clearence or a visa befor traevelling to the united kingdom?

D3 please entre the reference unmber on the entry clearance or visa which can be found in the students passport or travel document

d4, what date was the entry clearence or visa valid from?



Section D – Immigration History
D1 – Entry Clearance means visas granted by British Embassies or High Commissions overseas. It
used to be possible for some nationals to travel to the UK without a visa. If you received a stamp at
the airport instead of a visa from an Embassy you can answer ‘No’ here.
D3 – This reference number is the short VAF number just under the expiry date on your ID card/visa.
D6-D7 – If any of the passports you used to travel to the UK are missing go to the relevant part of the
Annex for part D at the end of this form. If you only have one passport you should still tick ‘No’ at D7.
D8 – You should indicate the type of ICFN/visa you currently hold (e.g. student). If the type of visa
you have is not listed here then you will not be able to switch to a student visa within the UK.
D9 – ‘Official financial sponsorship’ is defined at the beginning of this information sheet. If you have a
sponsor you must complete the relevant part of the Annex for part D at the end of the form.
D10-D19 If you give untrue information here your application will be refused.
D10 – You are considered an overstayer if you have ever been in the UK without a valid visa. You
are not an overstayer if you submitted your application on or before the day your visa expired but the
UKBA sent it back to you after that date. If your application was ever returned to you as invalid, and
as a result you had to re-submit after your visa expiry date you are considered an overstayer. If you
have any queries please speak to an International Student Adviser.
D12 – Working without permission to do so includes working when your visa says “No work” or “Work
Prohibited”. It also means if you have worked outside the conditions of your visa.



谢谢你,如果是最后一次的话那我在英国签的,D2 怎么填呢?

D section 无非就是想知道你有没有签证或者是入境的时候盖章
所以都是D1 选yes 你有申请签证 D2 写上次你签证的地点 比如 UK sheffield

Entry Clearance means visas granted by British Embassies or High Commissions overseas. It
used to be possible for some nationals to travel to the UK without a visa. If you received a stamp at
the airport instead of a visa from an Embassy you can answer ‘No’ here.

我凌乱了,你自己在楼上给出的信息都说的很清楚了啊,Entry Clearance 就是指(英国)海外领事机构发出的签证,尤其是指首次签证,所以楼主第一个问题一定是NO。

D2,where did the student obtain entry clearence or a visa befor traevelling to the united kingdom?
这里填在中国获取首次entry clearence签证的领事机构名称和地址,不是获取目前续签的英国UKBA机构

D3 please entre the reference unmber on the entry clearance or visa which can be found in the students passport or travel document
在中国获取首次entry clearence签证的reference number,一般就是右上角的号码

d4, what date was the entry clearence or visa valid from?
在中国获取首次entry clearence签证的有效起始日期


D1 应该填也是吧,否则就让直接跳过后边3个问题了


看了一下 Tier 4 Application Form,你的情况是直接跳到D5的,不是每个问题都要必回的,不适用的情况下都是跳过的。不用担心。

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