求救 法国签证。


但是行程还没确定, 应该是再圣诞期间。

所以想请教下 可以定eurostar的Business Premier & Fully flexible的往返车票。


这样可以得到full refund吗到时?

这是网站对Fully Flexible的介绍。

London to Disneyland Resort Paris only:
Exchanges: Exchangeable up to two months after the original departure date.
Refunds: Fully refundable up to two months after the original departure date.
Restrictions: Refunds for unused legs of a return journey will be the difference between the total price of the booking and the list price of a single.

还是机票 可以full refund的



呃… 网站上既然写了: Refunds: Fully refundable up to two months after the original departure date. 那还想问啥呢?