英國公佈初步2011年度的非歐盟工作簽證配額(Migration Advisory Committee報告)





恩,在other route 那個section (第46頁)也沒有看到

自从去年工党下台之前制定的临时公民计划被取消后,我发现什么移民政策都是浮云了。 不到自己申请的那一天,移民政策都是个未知数。好好呆在英国或者赶快回国找好工作吧。 就这两种选择

请问lz和大家: 如果我已经有了TIER 1 GENERAL MIGRANT的签证,但是今年面临续签 (2年) 会受影响吗?


MAC 報告中的第253頁,建議PSW應該保留,而且2年時間維持不變

When we reviewed the PSWR
in MAC (2009e), we considered
the options of recommending
closure of the PSWR and
reducing the length of leave to
remain that was granted. We also
considered both the effects on
university funding and graduate
unemployment through labour
market displacement. We saw
no evidence of displacement and
found that the effect of PSWR
closure on current levels of
university funding was likely to
be comparatively small in relation
to overall university budgets,
but nevertheless significant, and
likely to affect some courses and
institutions more than others. We
recommended that the PSWR be
retained and its leave entitlement
of two years be maintained.

TIER 1 GENERAL 明年肯定有一個配額,但具體多少還沒有公佈,到時候提早留意一下,雖然位置少並不等於沒有位置的,所以要留意新聞噢





“…We recommended that the PSWR be
retained and its leave entitlement
of two years be maintained.”


“If the route is maintained, in the
context of the Government’s
objective to reduce net migration,
there may well be a case for:
shortening the duration of
stay allowed under this route;
restricting it to master’s degree
graduates only; restricting it to
those institutions and courses
which can be shown to generate
Limits on Migration
the greatest future economic
returns for their students; or some
combination of the above.“





看了一下 我的理解是 对 T1, T2 下手了, 感觉PSW 会变一年 要么就直接取消, T1 续签肯定很难 肯定要按新政策走 而且还受名额限制。t2 要砍掉很多名额。不过幸运的是没有提到 10年 估计那个是基于人权法的。一句话 想走的可以走了 能留下来的都是精英。


“The arguments for and against
limiting extensions are finely
balanced. However, by definition,
successful extenders under Tiers
1 and 2 have UK labour market
experience in a skilled or wellpaid
job. Furthermore, limiting
extensions adds complexity to the
system. Finally, we are reluctant
to suggest retrospective changes
for migrants already in the UK
and, if extensions are limited to
new migrants only, this will reduce
the ability, in the short term, of
limits on Tiers 1 and 2 to reduce
net migration. This is because
changing the eligibility of new
migrants to extend or switch will
only have an impact on outflows
when their leave to remain expires
in 2 to 3 years’ time. We therefore
exclude extensions from the
required limits we set out
for 2011/12.” - Page 226
