讨论一下5月14号正式生效的The Immigration Act 2014

5 Things you need to know about the Immigration Act 2014

The Immigration Act 2014 (the Act) received Royal Assent on 14 May 2014 and has brought about a number of changes, making it easier to remove those who do not have a right to be here. Amongst other things, the Act seeks to prevent illegal migrants accessing and abusing public services and taking up employment. Five of the main changes have been summarised below.
(1) Removal Directions
Previously a decision was initially made on an applicant’s immigration status and then a separate decision was then made on their removal which resulted in applicants being given multiple opportunities to challenge the decision. The Home Office have now replaced separate powers to give removal directions with a single power applicable to an individual who does not have leave to remain, whose leave has been revoked or curtailed or is in the UK unlawfully. These individuals can be removed from the UK without the need to make a separate removal decision when an application is refused. This approach gives migrants certainty on their liability for removal and a reduction of delays between refusal of an application and removal.

(2) Bail and Detention
Under the Act, if a bail application has been made within 28 days of a previous bail application being refused and there is no material change in circumstances then the First-tier Tribunal has to reject the application on the papers. Where a migrant’s removal is scheduled within the next 14 days the Secretary of State will need to consent to a grant of bail. If this does not happen, the Home Office has the power to maintain detention until the migrant is removed from the UK. Detention of unaccompanied children in an Immigration Removal Centre has been prohibited. Children being returned will not be held at ports for more than 24 hours. Families with children under the age of 18 will be provided with a 28 day reflection period after any appeal against refusal has been completed before return can be enforced. The Secretary of State has a statutory duty to consult a Family Returns Panel in relation to safeguarding the welfare of children. Families can be held in pre-departure accommodation for a maximum of 72 hours.

The power of immigration officers have also been extended in that they can search detained individuals’ premises and obtain a warrant to search the premises of a third party including a relative or a partner where there is good grounds that documents facilitating the return of the individual will be found.

(3) Biometrics and Deprivation of Citizenship
Under the Act, foreign nationals applying for transit visas must provide their biometrics. Migrants who are not from the European Economic Area (EEA) but family members of EEA nationals applying for family permits and residence cards and those apply for British citizenship will now also be required to provide their biometric information when making an application.
Under the Act, a British citizen who conducts themselves in a manner which is seriously prejudicial to the interests of the UK can be deprived of their British citizenship even if they would become stateless. Powers to deprive a British citizen remain the same in that a person can be deprived of their citizenship if it was obtained using fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact.

(4) Appeals and Article 8
The Act has reduced the number of immigration decisions that can be appealed from 17 to 4 and has reformed the appeals system. A human rights claim must be made at the point of application to the secretary of state and cannot simply be raised when the application is refused and goes to appeal. The claim must be considered by the secretary of state before consideration by the Tribunal upon refusal. An administrative review scheme has been introduced and will apply where an immigration application is refused incorrectly due to a casework error. Applicants have a time limit of 10 days to apply for review following refusal of an application and the review is expected to take 28 days to complete. As with appeals, the applicant is not required to leave the UK while the review is pending.

Individuals liable to deportation can be deported first and then exercise their appeal unless they would be subject to serious irreversible harm, in which case removal would be suspended. Serious irreversible harm includes situations where a person claims that they will be killed or tortured upon their return to their country but does not include interference with their private life, in which case they would be removed from the UK whilst the appeal is heard.

In relation to article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the right to respect for private and family life is a qualified right and must be weighed against the public interest; the courts must have regard to the public interest in cases relating to both article 8 and cases involving foreign criminals.

(5) Access to Services
• Access to the NHS – under the Act, a person who applies for entry clearance or leave to remain for more than 6 months is required to pay a health surcharge. This is one of the conditions of entry and will have to be paid at the same time an application fee is paid. Applicants who have paid the surcharge will have access to the same free NHS care as permanent residents except for more expensive treatments. Short term visitors and illegal migrants still remain liable for treatment under the NHS. Non-EEA nationals with permanent residence will continue to have access to the same level of NHS services as permanently settled persons.

• Access to privately rented accommodation – private landlords will be required to make checks on new tenants to confirm their entitlement to be in the UK and if they fail to undertake these checks or allow illegal immigrants to rent their properties, they will be faced with a civil penalty. The government will publish a draft code of practice and hope to implement the scheme from October 2014 following parliamentary approval. However, this scheme will not apply to existing tenancies and checks will only need to be carried out on new tenants from the implementation date.

• Access to bank accounts – under the Act, illegal immigrants are not able to open bank accounts as banks are required to carry out an immigration status check against an anti-fraud organisation and government databases designated by the Home Secretary. A person who does not have valid leave to be in the UK is disqualified from opening a bank account. Banks and building societies will face sanctions for non-compliance and the Financial Conduct Authority will be responsible for compliance and enforcement.

• Access to work – the Home Office has published a Code of Practice for the prevention of illegal working which will come into force on 16 May 2014 which has increased the maximum civil penalty from £10,000 to £20,000. The code sets out Consideration Framework that the Home Office uses to assess the employers liability for a civil penalty. The table is broken down into three stages which are:

  1. determining liability
  2. the level of breach; and
  3. penalty amount for which the Home Office would refer to the ‘Civil Penalty Calculator’.

• The starting penalty for an employer who has not been found to be employing illegal workers in the last three years is £15,000 before any reductions for mitigating factors or the statutory excuse is applied. Where an employer has been found to be employing illegal workers within the previous three years the starting penalty is £20,000 before any mitigating factors are considered. The minimum penalty amount is £10,000 and a warning notice cannot be issued.

• An employer can raise an objection to the civil penalty and an administrative review of the decision will be conducted which may mean that an appeal to the civil court is no longer required. An unpaid penalty can be registered as a debt due under a court order after which enforcement can begin immediately.

• Access to driving licences – individuals who apply for a full or provisional driving licence will need to demonstrate that they are in the UK legally before they can be issued with a licence. Any driving licence held by an illegal immigrant or those that have overstayed will be revoked and those who continue to drive after revocation of the licence will be liable for prosecution, detention and immediate removal from the UK. Any vehicle that they have may also be seized.

• Access to marriage and civil partnership – from April 2015, the notice period for all marriages in England and Wales will change from 15 days to 28 days. Notices of marriage involving a non-EEA national who does not have a right to remain in the UK and could gain an advantage in relation to immigration from the marriage will be referred to the Home Office. Where the Home Office has reasonable grounds to believe that the referred marriage is a sham then the notice period can be extended to 70 days in order for the genuineness of the relationship to be investigated.

on the eve of the Bill passing into law, here’s a brief update on some of its key provisions and their implications for migrants’ rights.

  1. Landlord immigration checks
    One of the more contentious elements of the Bill, the landlord immigration checks generated inter-coalition conflict and widespread concern about their implications for ethnic minority and migrant communities. The Conservative wing of the Government has remained committed to introducing the checks, which remain within the Bill. However, the resistance of the Lib Dems has meant that a series of compromises have been reached within the Coalition regarding their roll-out.

At this stage, it has been confirmed that there will be a pilot of landlord immigration checks in one geographical area apparently ‘big enough to allow for a proper evaluation before national roll-out’. Given that this will presumably be just before the next general election, it is possible that the national roll-out will not, in the end, happen. In the meantime, campaigning from charities and lobbying groups appears to have had some success, as there will be some exemptions from the landlord checks. Lettings to students will be exempted (including in private sector halls, houses and flats), as will homeless hostels, refuges for women fleeing violence and accommodation for vulnerable people in immediate need. It looks like, unlike the employer checks, there will only be repeat checks on tenants “in exceptional circumstances”, and landlords will not have responsibility for checking on anyone else moving into the property after the tenant moves in, provided any additional occupier does not pay rent to the landlord. There will be a Home Office hotline which will apparently respond to queries within 48 hours, and a consultative group including the British Property Federation, Crisis and the Residential Landlords Association will be formed to advise on the legislation & codes of practice in this area.

  1. The right of appeal for immigration cases
    Unfortunately, no gains were made on the retention of the right of appeal against decisions made under the Immigration Rules. In future, only three types of decision on immigration cases will be appealable: a decision to refuse a claim of asylum or humanitarian protection; a decision to refuse a human rights claim; or a decision to revoke asylum or humanitarian protection. This change will affect migrants across the immigration system who will be subject to poor Home Office decision-making with much reduced ability for legal challenge, and has been widely criticized.

Although this was apparently a key priority area for the Labour party, its frontbenches made a lackluster case for the retention of the right of appeal in the House of Commons. It was more robustly debated in the House of Lords, but an amendment tabled by Baroness Smith (Labour), the shadow minister for home affairs in the Lords, to maintain the right of appeal for immigration cases proposed was voted against by 164 votes to 205. It is not yet clear how, in practice, the removal of the right of appeal will work and the knock-on implications for the First Tier Immigration Tribunal in particular. More on this anon.

  1. Access to healthcare
    The introduction of a new charging regime for migrants seeking to access UK healthcare was another aspect of the Immigration Bill which has grabbed some headlines. In the end, the framework for a new healthcare levy for temporary migrants, as well as for charging for some GP and A & E services, has been successfully established by the Government through the Bill. The wider framework for a new healthcare charging system for migrants are currently being worked on by the Department of Health and a statement is expected imminently from the DoH indicating their plans for implementation.

However, some useful statements were made by Ministers during the Immigration Bill debate which may provide fuel for further lobbying of the Department of Health on the details of the new system. Government spokesman Lord Taylor of Holbeach, for example, assured the House that “GP and nurse consultations will remain free to all and… that is not limited to the first consultation.” He also said that “The Department of Health has committed to give further thought to strengthening exemptions in the current NHS charging regulations for vulnerable groups”.

  1. Deprivation of citizenship clause
    And so to the show-stealing Government clause to deprive naturalized British citizens of their passport if their conduct is considered to be ‘seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the UK’, regardless of whether it would make them stateless. Following opposition to the clause in the House of Lords, the Government last week introduced two amendments to the Bill aimed at alleviating concerns. Firstly deprivation of British citizenship for naturalized Brits under clause 60 may now take place only ‘when the Home Secretary has reasonable grounds to believe that, under the laws of a country or territory, an individual is able to become a national of that country or territory’. In addition, there will be an independent review of the power, which will report after one year and then on a rolling three-yearly basis. Although these amendments were met with robust opposition by some MPs in the House of Commons who argued that the Home Secretary’s view on whether a person may gain citizenship of another country and the reality may be very different. Fundamentally, the amendments do not address some parliamentarians’ concerns about causing individuals to become stateless. However, this amendment received a majority vote by the Commons overall so the next step for the Home Secretary is to get the support of the House of Lords before wrapping up the Bill.

In addition, the Bill will introduce a wide range of additional changes in areas including detention, removals, and guardianship for child victims of trafficking, which MRN will continue to update on and point to more detailed briefings by others. More on all these issues as and when we have it.






正在上诉的话,应该还是旧法的,good luck!



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