一个叫 Bi Xi Xi 南京女留学生被 她英国男朋友给 活活打死了。




真不知道什么三观?在网上搜搜 发现这篇文章

认识一个美国的金发妹妹,人长得不漂亮但也不丑了,生活在单亲家庭,妈妈是老师爸爸是公司的高管或者至少中管,反正是每个月都按时付抚养费的。典型的中产阶级家的女儿。她找了一个二婚的男朋友,两人一直同居了六年了。她没日没夜的加班,然后自己买了一套小黑屋,自己的男朋友和男朋友的孩子跟自己一起住。跟我说男朋友是她的soulmate 。男朋友工资属于勉强能够维持自己吃喝的,但毕竟是有正式工作的,而且也每天按时去上班。我强忍着没敢说她,心想这要是我自己女儿,早着把我气死了。补偿一下,我去过她家,真是一片混乱啊,跟狗窝差不多。显然男人没有收拾房间。所以不是大家所想的女主外,男主内。


我国内的同学说养女儿要教她三观正确。底线是经济能力好,人品好,全心全意爱你,家长通情达理。我跟他说你这第一条在美国就通过不了,你怎么跟孩子解释必须找经济能力好的?孩子在学校都被教育成,人人平等,钱不是用来衡量能力的标准,不是衡量爱的标准。孩子说你歧视工资不高的人,当父母的都三观不正,孩子从此就不听你的话了。我同学说,“你别光学美国那些什么自由民主,那些傻了吧唧的东西,人家精明的东西你都没学到。trump 老婆不是小三上位嘛?美国人也有精明的。” 可那是gold digger 啊,跟我们教育孩子不是一个路数。在国内是赤裸裸的歧视,人分369等,连孩子都知道人有贵贱之分。所以你跟孩子说找一个经济能力好的孩子是可以理解的。美国的孩子都被教育成追求民主自由,人不分贵贱啊,理解不了父母为什么要经济能力好的。觉得你市侩,三观不正,就不听你的了”




美国孩子估计和英国孩子一样,等到大学毕业工作了,就知道what is reality。

成龙大哥不觉得文章中自食其力都女孩子挺开心幸福的吗?人家没啃老没领福利,就算养个软饭男说不上人家器大活好呢,幸福在于自己开心,别人怎么想怎么看who cares,这三观比坐在宝马里哭的不知道正多少!而且小三上位叫精明的正面例子?我也是醉了!


Most of the times, surrounding oneself with people from similar background with shared interests and fundamental values really is a natural choice. It’s a social phenomena but not without exception. It’s nurtured, but hardly ever taught. And let’s not forget that financial means is not, or at the very least not the only factor which decides one’s social class.

When it comes to love, however, I think it’s safe to say that although social class can place some influence on it, the extent of which is much less.
Supposedly the reason for it is that hormones play a much greater part in love than in other social relationships.
Shouldn’t love be spontaneous rather than calculative?
Of course I was talking about ‘love’ instead of ‘partnership’.

有多少人还在跟这个案件? 今天下午要出indictment 了

Prosecutor Paul Lewis QC is now giving his closing speech.

He reminded the jury pathologist Derek James found at least 40 injuries on victim Xixi Bi’s body.

Mr Lewis stressed the victim “did not have a mark on her” before the fatal assault.

He told the jury: “You do not need expert medical evidence to imagine the pain that mass of bruising, all over her body in essence, must have caused Xixi Bi. “The extent of the injuries was such as to result in a breakdown within the body.

There was blood loss and there was breakdown of fat within the body.

Dr James found fat embolism within the lungs, which adversely affected her breathing.

“She was, until the attack upon her, a healthy young woman, who died not of any natural cause, but of multiple blunt injuries she suffered to the head, neck and trunk and complications from extensive soft tissue injuries.”

“The defendant has given an account. He said he threw her into a door frame, then into a chest of drawers, then punched her in the solar plexus.

“It was ‘not much’, as he was at pains to point out in his police interviews.

Time and again, he minimised what he had done.

“He says it was the first time he had ever used deliberate violence towards her.

‘I did not mean to cause her harm,’ he said.

“And that is what you must determine. Has the prosecution made you sure, upon all the evidence, that when he inflicted all those injuries upon Ms Bi - that he has accepted caused her death - he intended to kill her or cause her really serious harm?

“We submit that on Dr James’ evidence alone, the answer to that question is yes, he did intend to cause her really serious harm. He did so, and she died as a consequence.

“But, members of the jury, you do not look at the medical evidence in isolation.”

Love is smell!This theory has been tested by “scientific studies”. Collect smells from a number of men’s socks and ask their lovers to pick up most attractive one. Their lovers got it right most time. {:5_142:}

跟看实况电影一样。只是这是真实案件,真实生命。这些QC Queen’s Counsel一天一万多镑的费用不是白给的。看看吧,学好英语多重要。

希望判谋杀 看陪审团及法官了 可能比较大是判过失 10年左右 5 至 8 年后放出来 这是我的猜测。


Jordan Matthews is GUILTY of murder.



Legal process must be followed.

Just checked his facebook page…
