给导师写 email 投诉组员。。。。大家帮我看一下我口气是否有点软。。。

你的博士论文,所有的事情当然是你干,难道你还想让导师帮你写论文吗?如果你的论文有发表的价值那导师肯定会多花点时间,如果没有发表的价值导师为什么要花很多时间看? {:5_142:}


以前读大学的时候 也经常有这group 投诉貌似也没用 因为是group 但一般都会有两三个干活的也就忍忍过去了


Caitlin’s email will make your tutor’s work much easier, provided your complaints do achieve their intended purpose.

But personally I’d much prefer to read your email which appears to be calm and collected and shows a degree of sophistication.
Other than the couple of typos pointed out in #2, if anything at all, it might help just a little to make the last sentence in your second paragraph (ie, ‘Sadly, that wasn’t the case.’) sligtly more precise.

In the bigger picture, written by 2 or 6, your paper is going to be marked as it is if it’s finished now. The lack of teamwork can possibly contribute against the evaluation of the TEAM, as mentioned by some others previously. It is dependent on your tutor’s style and personality so you will be the one to make the best judgement.



I am with you here.

Professors have to treat each student equally and as much as no one likes confrontation, it is their responsibility to deal with problems as they arise. To be fair to all, your professor has to fairly address you and your teammates’ concerns, especially when your tone is reasonable, appreciative and respectful. I have worked at both private and public universities and honestly, I would definitely look into the problem if I receive an email like yours.

I think it is absolutely necessary to have accountability and due process when professors are structuring group projects as part of the class. This is particularly more important when you are evaluated based on the quality of the project. I think you did a fantastic job describing an issue and is seeking the professor’s input. I would go ahead and send the email. I would encourage you to follow up in person and make sure the professor is dealing with it promptly.

Good luck!



4年mgeol 一年msci。。。哈哈哈哈哈。。我还准备博士继续呢。。


有个MGeol干嘛还上MSc?难道是想转专业?:lol 对想上PhD的学生,我们的建议都是三年BEng(BSc)结束然后上PhD(3或者4年),这样6年24岁就可以完成教育过程了。:lol

不算是转专业吧。。。。Mgeol 比较general。。现在上的是应用物理。。





这事情有可能会back fired,写email的这两个人也有可能会被看成trouble maker。

deal with students every day


