有没有人用过first step,part ownership买房的经验

恩 可以的 英国籍


恩 都检查过了,合格,也和经济顾问和律师聊过了

Hi, my husband and I are looking at shared equity/ownership properties too.

I would suggest that you check the terms and conditions very carefully about renting out to a third party, they are generally not allowed.

Try searching online for shared ownership, especially on forums such as moneysavingexpert.com. The reviews/opinions about this type of property are mixed.

cool cool

thank you so much!

keep in touch hope we both can find good place, thank you{:5_142:}

新开发的房里,法律是要求开发商把一部分比例的房子作为council house的



请问你是在那里听说的?Housing Association 吗?
我刚申请的那单位就只有两个apartment units for shared ownership, 其余的五个单位分别是2 bedroom house & 3 bedroom house. 我想,不会有太多council tenants 有能力出5% deposit 的吧?
如果还是担心遇到不好的council tenants, 我的mortgage broker 建议我联络 SARI - Support Against Racist Incidents,问问他们那一区之前有没有任何anti-social behaviour etc.

share equity n shared ownership是为了那些年轻有没什么积蓄的英国人用的,对聪明的中国人不合适。具体的,楼上几位也都谈了点。





贷款看的是你的偿还力,不知道收入又怎么谈偿还能力呢? 300k我们最多能借75%出来。谢谢

也算是道听途说,不过是在news上看到过。这个是为了避免council house给独立化后 ,引起诸多社会不安全因素吧,因为里面的人会觉得是被社会给抛弃,不利于他们改头换面,重新振作起来

比如在北伦敦的Colindale的Grahame Park,建于70年代,有1777个council homes,结果完全和外界隔离,里面黑帮吸毒暴力斗殴事件都层出不穷,连警察都不怎么敢进去,后来好像里面的人把其中的楼给烧了,才搞出现在这个新的什么regeneration scheme把那个区又是搞警察学校 又是吸收海外购房者给mixed 掉

不过council house也未必都是差的,比如有些是专门提给警察或者MoD或是退役军人还有医疗人员住的, 所以还ok

你申请的楼里未必有,但是区里可能有,这个都不好说的,所以心里也不需要有太大的负担, 因为这些都是按比例mixed在new built的区里的,是council和开发商分配的

fyi, 不知道你有没有认真阅读过这个scheme, 如果你(在英国)家庭年收入超过60k是不能走这个scheme的, 另外你能买的房子的size也是根据你现在在英国的收入来算的.

as I know, you cannot rent it out, the house/apartment you buy from the First Step has to be your main home, otherwise… your house is in risk…

thanks for the info

This is correct. If you meet the requirements, you need to apply to your local first buy agent. For example, I am registered with South West Homes, they will calculate how much you are entitled to borrow based on how much you have for deposit under the scheme, they also take into consideration some other factors.

On the other hand, you are not limited only to the goverment’s First Buy scheme, individual developers have their own schemes too.
