关于入籍, 最近在等待Home Office Approval入籍的朋友来聊聊。



Girls and boys,

I have a question. If my passport is expired, can I still apply the UK citizenship?

I can not renew my passport, because my government says that I have not done my national service.

So do you have any ideas that I still can apply for it?

Thank you


我觉得你没有新护照一样可以申请citizenship,并不影响。最好还是问问NCS或者是home office.

Thank you, I feel relief now. I was so worried, because I can not renew my passport.

I am from Taiwan by the way. Thank you for you help again.


HAHA, YES. It is in our constitution. Every healthy man have to do the national service after 18 years old.

So annoying. And I can not withdraw my nationality without going back to Taiwan to finish my duty first.

HAHA, it is so weird.


HAHA, that is exactly what i think.

And my governmernt is planning to doing that.

My two brothers do not need to do the national service.

Lucky them.

But unfortunately, I still need to do it, even I hold the UK passport.

After I become the Uk citizen, I have to change my name.

So I can go back to Taiwan for a long holiday.

I still have a long way to go.

为毛你入了英国籍都要服兵役呢? 台湾政府疯了吧:cn05:


I hope so. At least, that is what I heard.

I need to figure out everything before I go back to Taiwan.

I really do not want to waste my two years life for the stupid national service.

The end of world is coming.




10月22日申请费被home office从银行划走

10月27日收到UK Border Agency的确认信dated 10月21日(acknowledgement of the receipt of the application)- 敌人用的是2nd class royal mail service

11月10日收到UK Border Agency的Approval Letter (dated on 11月3日)-敌人还是用的2nd class royal mail service

11月10日同时还收到Local Council的Group Ceremony Invitation Letter邀请参加11月23日的集体入籍仪式,准备打电话预约参加私人的入籍仪式。另,Council 居然用的是1st class royal mail service还是手帖的女皇侧面的金色邮票。



11月15日下午在post office用Check & Send Services-记住使用post office里面排队叫号机上的Travel Money选项,因为有两个窗口专门负责Travel Money其中包括check & send service,这样就可以避免随大流排大队了。所需文件包括申请表,两张照片(有一张背后要推荐人签名),入籍纸,latest中国护照。另,如果改了名字的还需要deed poll document。

11月23日收到Identity & Passport Service的面试邀请信(dated on 11月19日)。马上预约面试,可惜伦敦最早只能预约到2个礼拜之后 - 约到了12月7日面试。入籍纸和中国护照已经被courier deliver过了,可是人不在家,还要重新rearrange delivery。


Asked my name, address, date of birth, how long I lived at the current address, am I registered to vote at the current address, who else lives at this address and name, my parents dates of birth and birth place, when they got married, when did I have the citizenship ceremony and where, how I sent my passport application form and what supporting documents I sent with the application, did I get my supporting documents back, where I asked the supporting documents to be sent back, did I pay a fee for the supporting documents to be sent back using secured delivery, did I ask for a special type of passport and what is it, who signed my passport application and my photo, how old is she/he, how did I know her/him and for how long, what is the email address I put in my passport application form, how many credit cards that I have, and with which credit card issuer.


恭喜 lz{:5_137:}




私人仪式时间任你挑,主要是平时挤不出时间参加group ceremony.

哦 我以为group的要等很久,所以大家都选私人的了{:5_134:}


