


The recent amendments of the immigration rules announced is not the outcome of the consultation.

Therefore, we are unable to say whether the PSW will continually offered or remain the same. The consultation outcome should be published in the coming weeks as per the UK Border Agency’s website.



嘿嘿 又来 说了这么久也不确切点 还要等

回复 duckduckb

回复 duckduckb

回复 duckduckb

Ho 还装什么处女!


剛剛放工回家, 一上來就嚇了一驚. 原來這麼多friends 關心PSW, 都算是意料之外. 原本想早日令各位開心一下, 結果空歡喜一場, 在此謹致萬二分歉意. 望多多原諒.

相信諸位都巳經知道, 呢一場對PSW的政治角力, 只公佈了第一回合的結果, 原來重有下一場, 很可能有幾個回合. 暫時未知. 對於home office 3月16日的公告, 我只能有以下的評語: “檢了便宜, 賣了乖”.

事實上, 今次的結果是回應2010年9月, 針對限制非歐盟移民的諮詢而作出的回應. 而2011年1月30日就是否取消或加以限制post Study Work Visa的諮詢, 仍未公佈結果. 還有一個諮詢(consulation), 就psw的更改對Scotland的影響,2011年 3月25日前, 各位仍可向國會(Parliament)表達意見.

雖然前途未卜, 諸位也無需以 “糠慨歌燕市, 從容作楚囚” 的心情去面對問題, 因為大多數的民意, 都是傾向保留PSW. 首先是imperial College校方, 其後是London School of Economic, 再其次是Universities UK, NSU 同無數大公司集團.

連國會Home Affairs Committee(內政事務委員會) 在3月17日發表的佈告, 都是反對政府取消psw; 請參閱:


上述 documents page 25, item 58 :

  1. We understand the reasoning behind the proposal to close the Post Study Work
    route but its importance in terms of attracting international students and its use as a
    method of gaining work experience for certain degrees should not be underestimated.
    We would ideally suggest that the system be maintained,…

同時建議, 先給予6個月簽證, 到找到工作後, 再給予延長1年半. …又建議現就讀學生, 不受新例影響; 參閱第59項目(item 59):

  1. We recommend that any changes to the Post-Study Work route be implemented for students arriving in the new academic year, and do not affect those students who already have visas; they had legitimate expectation that the post-study work route would be available to them after their studies.

既然國會都認為, 同學們對post study work visa 有合情, 合理, 合法的預期( legitimate expectation) , 那麼如果psw最終被取消的話, 你們便有著司法覆核的理據啦.

不看了, 份佈告有成120頁, 太長了, 你們自己看吧. 坦白說, 我不是學生, 又不是移民顧問, 我只是一個打醬油路過的閒人吧了.

連報紙都如此佈導, 不知消息何來? :


政 府 保 留 海 外 學 生 畢 業 後 工 簽
證明即可獲得20分;提供此課程的機構若是獲英國教育部認可的官方機構或擁有第四級(Tier 4)學生簽證的擔保人資格,則申請人可獲得20分;申請人在獲得上述學位期間的移民身分是合法的可再得20分;申請人在獲得學位畢業證明的12個月內提交 PSW申請,則再得15分。上述總分為75分。
此外,申請人還必須獲得英文能力10分和滿足生活費要求的10分。而達到上述75分的申請人,將自動獲得英文能力的10分。對於生活費的要求,則根據該申請人申請時所在地而有所區別。若在英國境內申請PSW,要求3個月銀行帳單的每筆餘額都不少於800鎊,而在英國境外申請,則必須確保銀行帳單上有 2800鎊生活費。
內政部文件還指出,包括PSW簽證在內的所有計分制體系下的移民申請,都適用「拒簽基本原則(General Ground for Refusal,GGFR)」,即簽證申請者以前的簽證紀錄,包括曾提供假材料等,即使當時沒有被發現或拒簽,也可能在後來的申請中成為拒簽理由。


不是, 不算在5年工作途经申请pr





March 21, 2011

首相今日向 “金融時報” (Financial Time)政治新聞版記者James Boxell 及 Chris Cook透露: 決定不取消PSW.

Ministers decided not to scrap the so-called “post-study” route,…

因版權問題(copyright), 不便轉載. 請參閱:

帮忙贴个全文,大半夜出新闻,顺便BS一下 收费的小气的ft:curse:

UK to ease curbs on non-EU student visas
By James Boxell and Chris Cook
Published: March 21 2011 22:26 | Last updated: March 21 2011 22:26

University leaders have extracted concessions from Home Office ministers over plans to slash the number of non-European students coming to the UK every year.
In the biggest success for the education sector, ministers decided not to scrap the so-called “post-study” route, which allows foreign university graduates to stay in Britain to seek work. The threat to abolish the route alarmed university bosses and employers because it is cited by Indian and Chinese students as a prime reason for choosing to study in the UK rather than the US, Australia or Canada – Britain’s competitors in the lucrative international education market.
Theresa May, home secretary, is also expected to recognise the importance of so-called “pathway” courses at further education colleges, which provide a vital access route for foreign students going on to study at British universities.
As a result, private further education colleges will be able to apply for accreditation to allow them to sponsor foreign students, while universities will be able to sponsor people study­ing English or attending access courses.
Ms May will announce the plans to parliament on Tuesday as she outlines the government’s proposals for cutting the huge number of students who come to the UK from outside the European Union each year.
The higher education sector has mounted a vigorous lobbying campaign against some of the proposals, warning they would damage Britain’s world-leading research universities and cut off vital funding.
Their argument gained the tacit backing of Vince Cable, business secretary, and David Willetts, universities minister. “Higher and further education is a major success story for the British economy,” Mr Cable told the Financial Times last week. “It’s an export industry – we want to grow it.”
MPs on the Commons home affairs committee have warned that the crackdown on student visas could “cripple the education sector” if done on the basis of flawed evidence.
Ms May will also outline plans to end what she says is rampant abuse of student visas, which accounted for two-thirds of non-EU migrants last year. She will point to a recent study on non-EU students at privately funded colleges, which showed 13 per cent were not in attendance.
The post-study work route will be tightened to ensure that students take “graduate-level” jobs, while the rules will make it more difficult for students still at college to work in the UK.
Heavy cuts to student numbers will be critical if the Home Office is to deliver on a promise by David Cameron to cut yearly net migration to the “tens of thousands” within the life of this parliament.
The prime minister has said that 96,000 non-EU students came to the UK to study last year at colleges without “trusted” immigration credentials.
不知道有何具体措施可以达到 ‘ The post-study work route will be tightened to ensure that students take “graduate-level” jobs’ :cn17:
难道work restriction后面写上No Macdonalds jobs :cn14: