
这两天研究了一下目前的十年永居申请表SET(LR), 版本是version 03/2016(第一页写着“This form is to be used for applications made on or after 18 March 2016”)

1, D13 和 E14 几乎是一模一样的问题重复问两遍:

D13. Please state what ties you have with:
• The country where you were born.
• Any country whose nationality you hold.
• Any country where you have lived for more than five years.
You should tell us about any family, friends or other connections with that country.

E14 Please state what social, cultural and family ties you have with:
• The country where you were born.
• Any other country whose nationality you hold.
• Any country where you have lived for more than five years.
You should tell us about any family, friends, or other connections with that country.

2, 在表格的第一页(封面页)写着:
All your reasons or grounds for wishing to stay in the United Kingdom must be
stated in this application. This requirement is being given under section 120 of
the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. If you do not tell us now of any
reasons or grounds for remaining in the United Kingdom and you tell us later without
good reason, you will lose any right of appeal you may have otherwise qualified for if
we refuse your claim. You can use the box at the end of section 3.2.

其中特别提到section 3.2。 但是3.2 却是关于life in the UK 以及英语的问题:

3.2 . If you have not obtained one of the relevant qualifications, are you claiming exemption
from this requirement because a physical or other condition prevents you from taking the
Life in the UK test or doing a speaking and listening qualification in English?

至于封面上那个“reasons or grounds for wishing to stay in the United Kingdom” , 其实应该是在D17 部分:

D17. If you have any reasons or grounds for wishing to stay in the United Kingdom which you
have not already mentioned in your application you should do so now in the box below.

然后新的问题又来了,在填写Section D的时候,填完D13后就有一句话

“If you are not relying on a period spent in the
UK as an EEA national exercising treaty rights or as a family member of an EEA national
exercising treaty rights please go to section E.”

估计大部分中国人都跟EEA没有关系,所以就直接跳到 section E 了, 那 D17 还要填吗?


1。 对的,就是重复的填两遍,是挺无聊的…
你没有拿过EEA的话,填完D13直接跳到E,不用填D14 - D17。
