
Superfy. In Uni, can’t type in Chinese. I am doing PhD, the official end day of my study was in Mar, visa expired in July. I have applied extension of my study until August. Which means I have to apply for visa in July. What will happen when i apply for visa? will they only give me one month extension? I may need few more months to complete study, but the extension of study in the uni can only do 6 months, and then another 6 months. Also for PhD, even i submit the thesis, i need will need time for my visa and/or maybe time for correction. What can i Do, any suggestions?


Superfy. In Uni, can’t type in Chinese. I am doing PhD, the official end day of my study was in Mar, visa expired in July. I have applied extension of my study until August. Which means I have to apply for visa in July. What will happen when i apply for visa? will they only give me one month extension? I may need few more months to complete study, but the extension of study in the uni can only do 6 months, and then another 6 months. Also for PhD, even i submit the thesis, i need will need time for my visa and/or maybe time for correction. What can i Do, any suggestions?


ga) If the course is at degree level or above, the grant of entry clearance the applicant is seeking must not lead to the applicant having spent more than 5 years in the UK as a Tier 4 (General) Migrant, or as a Student, studying courses at degree level or above unless:

(i) the applicant has successfully completed a course at degree level in the UK of a minimum duration of 4 academic years, and will follow a course of study at Master’s degree level sponsored by a Sponsor that is a Recognised Body and the grant of entry clearance must not lead to the applicant having spent more than 6 years in the UK as a Tier 4 (General) Migrant, or as a Student, studying courses at degree level or above; or


如果ho 没有任何的异议,两到三周会拿到递交的原件。现在已经拿到了吧?


Hi there, its me again. Since it make sound difficult for me to extend visa. How about my wife, she is my dependent, can she change her visa from dependent to student? She can apply for Full Time CIMA qualification. So i can become her dependent. We are on student visa not Tier 4. Cheers.


ho 一向办事效率很慢,请再耐心等待一下!

Hi there, its me again. Since it make sound difficult for me to extend visa. How about my wife, she is my dependent, can she change her visa from dependent to student? She can apply for Full Time CIMA qualification. So i can become her dependent. We are on student visa not Tier 4. Cheers.

你好,您爱人可以转学生签证,她的有效期是到何时?她需要在有效期内回国申请签证,不能在英国直接转。按照移民法规定,From 4 July 2011, you cannot bring your dependants to the UK unless you are:

sponsored by a higher education institution on a course at NQF level 7 or above which lasts 12 months or more; or 这就要看他所学的CIMA 是不是NQF level 7


学校应该没有问题了,我自己的,我可以续签,我明天到期,但我发现,好像我需要申请一个atas的东西,我2008年申请的时候没有申请,现在需要吗? 还有就是说写论文阶段是不需要的,非常confused, 希望你今晚在,给我答复。我读computer science phd. 谢谢

今年9月他准备签3到6个月的学生签证,选择的语言学校是home office 认证的。请问您通过的机会大吗?我本人是英国国籍,在签证的时候提到我会不会有帮助? 谢谢

问个问题,我现在正在读博士,我的导师跳槽去牛津,我也会转过去。Home Office上查到换了sponsor是需要重新申请签证的,那这种情况,算extended stay吗?生活费我是要准备2个月1600,还是9个月7200?
还有,我有可能不能马上拿到奖学金证明的信,所以可能需要先自己提供资金证明,国内人民币帐户的资金证明能不能使用?是在我名下开的,中行的双语,存期也够,一共30万。牛津一年学费加colloge fee应该是2万镑左右,加上9个月生活费,30万人民币应该是足够了。。

学校应该没有问题了,我自己的,我可以续签,我明天到期,但我发现,好像我需要申请一个atas的东西,我2008年申请的时候没有申请,现在需要吗? 还有就是说写论文阶段是不需要的,非常confused, 希望你今晚在,给我答复。我读computer science phd. 谢谢

学生续签仍然需要CAS 和足够的担保金,保证这两方面材料的完整,是没有什么问题的。

今年9月他准备签3到6个月的学生签证,选择的语言学校是home office 认证的。请问您通过的机会大吗?我本人是英国国籍,在签证的时候提到我会不会有帮助? 谢谢



问个问题,我现在正在读博士,我的导师跳槽去牛津,我也会转过去。Home Office上查到换了sponsor是需要重新申请签证的,那这种情况,算extended stay吗?生活费我是要准备2个月1600,还是9个月7200?
还有,我有可能不能马上拿到奖学金证明的信,所以可能需要先自己提供资金证明,国内人民币帐户的资金证明能不能使用?是在我名下开的,中行的双语,存期也够,一共30万。牛津一年学费加colloge fee应该是2万镑左右,加上9个月生活费,30万人民币应该是足够了。。


请问在国内申请Tier4学生签证,以前在英国都的高中,本科,想问问国内的申请表里的问题Have you travelled to UK in the last 10 years?需要把每一次出入境记录都写上还是只写从多久到多久在哪儿读什么就可以了?


Hi there, sorry for the late reply. I send the application already, but without the ATAS certificate, because it will be too late for me to wait for ATAS certificate, i wrote a covering letter saying i will provide it later. But the ATAS certificate so slow, until now 10 days, still no response. I am not sure i actually need one or not. Home office give me a letter saying if they require any document, they will let me know, but in the application form, i did not tick the Yes or No when they say did i need the ATAS. Really dont know what to do.

Please help.

请问在国内申请Tier4学生签证,以前在英国都的高中,本科,想问问国内的申请表里的问题Have you travelled to UK in the last 10 years?需要把每一次出入境记录都写上还是只写从多久到多久在哪儿读什么就可以了?




Hi there, sorry for the late reply. I send the application already, but without the ATAS certificate, because it will be too late for me to wait for ATAS certificate, i wrote a covering letter saying i will provide it later. But the ATAS certificate so slow, until now 10 days, still no response. I am not sure i actually need one or not. Home office give me a letter saying if they require any document, they will let me know, but in the application form, i did not tick the Yes or No when they say did i need the ATAS. Really dont know what to do.

学生签证要看的是整体的材料质量,是否提供该材料取决于你的CAS上是否有说明,如果上面有要求提供这份原件,是很必要的!英国审理本身就很慢,你只能再耐心等下了。home office 已经给你一封确认信,已经证明他们在受理中。如果你已经收到或即将收到迟来的材料,你可以跟home office 再写下邮件说明。
