superfy 开专贴回答英国企业家移民及投资移民的各种问题 … reneur/eligibility/

You have access to not less than £50,000 and:

are applying for leave to remain; and have, or were last granted, leave as a Tier 1 (Post-study work) migrant; and were registered with HM revenue and Customs as self-employed, or a registered director of a new or existing business no more than 3 months before your application; and are engaged in business activity, other than the work necessary to administer your business. Your occupation must appear on the list of occupations at the National Qualifications Framework level 4 and above, as stated in the codes of practice for Tier 2 sponsors.

home office网上写psw可以转20万磅的T1(entrepreneur), 只要5w磅存款,自雇或成立公司,做director管理公司同时参与公司business activity。但对职业要求有限制,有没有人知道哪些职业是可以的?是NQF4+的都可以还是要在T2的那个紧缺职业list的上的才行?谢谢。

申请人如果之前拿的是PSW 签证,那么他可以直接转T1 企业家签证,投资五万磅即可,这笔钱也必须是存在FSA承认的金融机构,并出示相关的银行证明信。
符合5万磅投资的申请人必须在递交的三个月内投资一家新的公司,以自雇或者是三个月内注册公司的director身份进行投资。行业的要求必须是在codes of practice for Tier 2 sponsors 的范围之内才可以。请参考该官方链接

T1 企业家签证是积分类签证,每一份叫分资料都有很严格的要求,请谨慎递交 有相关成功案例分析,可供参考。


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