superfy 开专贴回答英国企业家移民及投资移民的各种问题








print date

我知道是print date,但要注意这个什么? 要在一个月内么?还是什么?谢谢!





英国移民局将于2011年4月开始执行新的移民政策,新移民政策涉及从永居入籍的见习公民到TIER 1高技术移民,TIER 2工作签证,特殊工作,定居签证等一系列的内容。新政策对于非欧盟籍申请人的影响是非常巨大的,因此龙朔签证事务所建议申请人能够提早准备自己的签证申请。

从2011年4月6日开始,TIER 2工作签证每年的配额改为20700个。这两万个配额将平均分配到每个月。因此每个月大概1500个工作签证配额。需要注意的是这1500个配额是针对全球希望赴英国工作的申请人。根据目前移民局的调查显示,2010年入境英国的非欧盟籍工作签证持有人基本维持在每月4600个申请。因此工作签证自4月份开始额度将降低到原有的四分之一。

另外TIER 1高技术移民将于2011年4月正式停止,取而代之的是每年1000个exceptional talent visa。申请人需要有在国际上获奖的情况才可以有资格申请所谓exceptional talent visa。移民局给出的案例是诺贝尔奖得主申请人将被获得申请资格。






签证总量降低 难度提升








为照顾低端语言课程市场的学生资源,英国重新定义了Student Visitor(访问学生)签证,无语言成绩要求以及就读低端语言课程的学生可以按照“访问签证”类型准备签证材料,赴英就读语言课程,Student Visitor(访问学生)签证不要求学生提供语言水平证明,但是访问学生签证的课程仅限于语言课程且不长于11个月、签证材料相对繁琐、到英后不能打工、签证到期后需回原住国重新续签。







同时,英国为了鼓励企业家移民,将会在访问签证类型里边设立一个prospective entrepreneurs的签证,帮助申请企业家移民的申请人提前付英国进行考察,并且设立账户等事宜。


Government ‘rolls out the red carpet’ for entrepreneurs and investors

16 March 2011

Foreign entrepreneurs and investors are being given an extra incentive to come to the UK today by new visa rules, which will reward those who contribute to economic growth.

Under changes to the Immigration Rules, which were laid in Parliament today, people who come to the UK under Tier 1 (Investor) of the points-based system will be able to settle here faster if they invest large sums of money. Those who invest £5 million will be allowed to settle here after 3 years, and those investing £10 million or more will be allowed to settle after 2 years. This compares with the current minimum 5-year requirement.

The right to accelerated settlement will apply to those investors who are already in the UK and have invested large sums, as well as new arrivals.

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrants will also be able to settle in the UK more quickly if they create 10 jobs or turn over £5 million in a 3-year period.

Immigration Minister Damian Green said:

'Today I have sent out a clear message - the UK remains open for business and we want those who have the most to offer to come and settle here.

'Entrepreneurs and investors can play a major part in our economic recovery, and I want to do everything I can to ensure that Britain remains an attractive destination for them.

‘Last year we issued far too few visas to those who wish to set up a business or invest in the UK - I intend to change that.’

The standard investment threshold for an entrepreneur to qualify for a Tier 1 visa will remain at £200,000, but the government will allow high-potential businesses to come to the UK with £50,000 in funding from a reputable organisation. And entrepreneurs will be allowed to enter the UK with their business partners as long as they have access to joint funds.

Major investors will also enjoy more flexibility: they will be allowed to spend up to 180 days per year, rather than 90, outside the UK without affecting their right to settle here. This addresses a major concern cited by investors, as they need to be constantly mobile.

Additionally, a new type of visitor visa will be created for prospective entrepreneurs. They will be allowed to enter the UK so that they can secure funding and make arrangements for starting their business before they transfer to a full Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa while they are here.

The government has also published a statement of intent outlining how the new Tier 1 (Exceptional talent) route will operate from April 2011.

This innovative new route for exceptionally talented migrants will be limited to 1,000 visas per year. It is for those who have already been recognised or have the potential to be recognised as leaders in the fields of science, arts and humanities.

Migrants seeking entry under Tier 1 (Exceptional talent) will not need to be sponsored by an employer but will need to be endorsed by an accredited competent body. These competent bodies will be announced in the near future. It will be for each competent body to select those who will qualify for endorsement.

Under Tier 1 (Exceptional talent), migrants will initially be granted permission to stay in the UK for 3 years and 4 months. They will then be able to extend their stay for a further 2 years, and to settle here after 5 years’ residence in the UK.

Damian Green added:

'Our new exceptional talent route will ensure that we continue to allow the brightest and the best who can make a valued contribution into the UK.

‘This comes at a time of major reform to the immigration system to bring net migration back down to the tens of thousands.’

The changes will come into effect on 6 April 2011. They were announced today by Damian Green in a written ministerial statement, which you can find under ‘Related documents’ on the right side of this page.

A statement of policy contains more information about the changes to Tier 1. You can find this statement, and an assessment of the likely impact of the new limits being applied to Tiers 1 and 2 of the points-based system, under ‘Policy and law’ on the right side of this page.

The government has made clear its commitment to supporting a private-sector-led economic recovery. For growth to be strong and sustainable, the economy must be rebalanced to support private-sector jobs, exports and investment.

Micha-Rose Emmett, Associate of Henley & Partners Ltd, said:

'We applaud the Home Office on the introduction of these new rules for the investor and entrepreneur categories. This is evidence that the UK is becoming again a key player in investor immigration worldwide.

'With these changes, high net worth individuals will be more likely to chose the UK as their preferred country to reside as the physical presence requirements have been sensibly relaxed. The investment opportunity becomes more interesting for investors, and this is a very encouraging prospect for the future of the country.

‘International wealthy individuals and families need effective, interesting solutions that can be implemented swiftly, and this new policy give these people those possibilities, which in turn will attract significant capital to the UK.’

Full details of all the changes that will come into effect on 6 April are set out in a stetement of changes to the Immigration Rules (HC 863). You can find this under ‘Policy and law’ on the right side of this page.
