
t4在学期结束后可以全职工作的 只是不能签permanent contract而已

you are allowed to:

work for up to 20 hours per week during term time;
work full-time during vacations;

If you are allowed to work, the work you do must not fill a full-time permanent vacancy

If you are allowed to work, you can work full-time during vacations within the above limits. If you have completed your course and you apply to remain in the UK under the points-based system before your existing permission to stay expires, you can work full-time (within the above limits) until your application is decided.

那就解决啦,恭喜楼主啦 {:5_143:}

lz,那我新申的签证不是point based的话,能不能全职呢。。

谢谢您的信息 已经跟hr沟通过了 他们prefer我直接签一个permanent contract 所以也没办法啦 等签证吧

哎 公司那边不给签短期合同也没办法了 等签证吧

你也是学生签证转的吗?我想应该是可以的 不过还是要取决于你的公司怎么考量了

反正他都给你办 t2 了,就是要定你了,你就当放假咯 :cn09:

是啊是啊 就放个没期限的假好了 不过也拜托ukba给力点!


谢谢您的答复 ukba已经明确给了答复 最好等拿到签证再工作
