Tier 2工签6年申永居填表问题

本人2010年7月来英国,一直Tier 2工签在大学工作到现在。关于永居申请,有几个问题想请教下大家。

  1. 我的PhD学位在香港中文大学读的,之前申请Tier 2 签证时,第一次英语用PhD学位是taught in English证明的,随后的签证申请每次都用之前提供过英语证明了,因而不用再次提供。最新的Set(O)永居申请表中,对英语要求UK NARIC证明PhD学位是taught or researched in English. 请问我这样的case一定要UK NARIC证明吗?另外,表格最后的documents checklist中提到的English Language speaking and listening qualification要提供吗?如何提供啊?

  2. 表格上说只需提供现在雇主的工作证明信,payslip and bank statement. 我之前曾在另外2个大学工作过,都不需要再提供工作证明了吗?


我也有同样的问题,我有英国大学的毕业证书,以前申请和续签T2都用它就行了. 不过,看下面的原文,现在都要认证了,我看了UK NARIC网站,要£125+VAT.

You can prove your knowledge of English by having a degree that was taught or researched in English.

You’ll need your original degree certificate and one of the following:

an original letter or certificate from UK NARIC confirming the equivalent level of your degree, plus an official letter from your university with your name and degree confirming that your degree was taught in English
an original and official certificate from your university confirming the degree was taught or researched in a majority English-speaking country (except Canada)



按网上原文的意思,我的理解是除了毕业证书,还需要一份UK NARIC的正式认证书,同时还要一封大学的信.

you will need one of the following…就是只要有其中一项的材料就好了

如果你已经有了an original and official certificate from your university confirming the degree was taught or researched in a majority English-speaking country (except Canada),应该就不需要UK NARIC认证了吧?

btw,我的final degree是在爱尔兰拿的,申请永居的时候直接就拿的我的 original phd certificate,没交别的认证

请问你是最近在这个UK NARIC规则出台之后申请的吗?








终于找到官方的链接了: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/530311/KoLL-v19.0.pdf

This page tells you how a person can meet the speaking and listening part of the knowledge
of language and life in the UK (KoLL) requirement by having a degree taught in English.

If we have previously accepted a degree qualification as meeting the requirements for an
earlier application, and leave was granted, we will not need additional confirmation from
NARIC. If the qualification has not previously been used for an immigration application, or
the previous application was refused, the applicant must obtain confirmation from NARIC
that it meets the relevant criteria.

Degrees obtained in the UK are acceptable without UK NARIC assessment.