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LZ 现在签证状况怎么样了?

LZ 现在签证状况怎么样了?T2不都是夹着尾巴做人的么? {:5_145:}

还是没有消息中 {:5_145:} 。。。

我打电话给home office 0300开头的那个…问他们应该怎么弄。。

我说Tier 2 guidance policy上面说的是应该会通知我告诉home office的决定吖。。然后我还有决定下来后的60天啊。。那个人听到以后,说。。。那你按照guidance policy的来吧。。

我问他换过地址的事情,他说因为我是PBS的,所以要寄Change of circumstances到home office更改地址。。我就寄了。。到现在也没有收到地址更改的确认。。

也没有收到要我处境的信。 = =。。。。


Change of circumstances
228.If during your stay under Tier 2, you wish to amend:
 Your contact details; or
 Details of your criminal convictions; or
 Your representative’s details; or
 Your dependants details
You should inform your sponsor and fill out a change of circumstances form which is
available on our website. This form should be sent to:
UK Visas and Immigration
Home Office
Tier 2 Policy Guidance (Version 04/2016) Page 56
Change of Circumstances Form
PO Box 3468
S3 8WA

229.We will confirm that we have noted your change of circumstances in a letter. You should
keep this letter with the original documents from your application.

However, if your current grant of leave was made by means of a BRP, you should not use the
change of circumstances form to notify us of any of the following changes to your
 Change of name
 Change of date of birth
 Change of nationality
 Change of gender
 Change of appearance

Curtailing leave
236.We will curtail your leave in the following circumstances:
 If you fail to commence working for your sponsor; or
 If you cease to be employed by your sponsor.

237.We may curtail your leave if:
 Your sponsor ceases to have a sponsor licence (for whatever reason);
 Your sponsor transfers the business for which you work to another person and that person
does not have a sponsor licence and either fails to apply for a licence within 28 days of
the business being transferred, applies for a sponsor licence and is refused or applies for
a sponsor licence and is granted but in a category which does not allow you to be issued
with a Certificate of Sponsorship.
 You were awarded points further to certification by a Premium Sponsor that you satisfied
a requirement of these rules or that the Premium Sponsor has seen and verified but
compliance checks show that you do not satisfy that requirement of the rules or that the
specified evidence has not been seen and verified.
 You are absent from work without pay for 4 weeks or more in total, according to your
normal working pattern, during any calendar year (1 January to 31 December). For
example, if your normal working pattern is 4 days a week, this would apply if you were
absent from work without pay for 16 or more days. This applies whether the absence was
over a single period or more than one period. It does not apply to absences which were
solely due to maternity, paternity, shared parental or adoption leave or long term sick
 Paragraph 242 above applies but any of the following apply to you, which may affect the
decision to curtail:
o you are under the age of 18;
o you have a dependant child under the age of 18;
o you have less than 60 days leave remaining where the intention is to curtail your
o you have been granted leave to enter or remain with another sponsor or in another
immigration category;
o you have an application for leave to remain or variation of leave pending with the
Home Office or you have a pending appeal under section 82 of the Nationality,
Immigration and Asylum Act;
o your sponsor applies for a sponsor licence but is refused.

238.We will curtail your leave as follows:
 to 60 days starting from the date the decision to curtail leave is made. You may wish to
make a further application for leave in another category or with another sponsor; or
 with immediate effect, if the sponsor’s licence was withdrawn and we consider that you
were complicit in the actions that resulted in the licence being withdrawn.

239.You will be notified in writing of the immigration decision to restrict the limit on the duration of your leave.

240.If you do not make a successful application to vary your leave and/or your sponsor within
the 60 days following curtailment, you will be subject to appropriate enforcement action.


跟home office打电话过去问了,他们的员工也很迷糊。。。一会说我只有28天一会说让我按照policy办。。。

我想说我如果要回国也得拿到那个信,,要不然海关那里会拦着我,说我逾期滞留把。。。起码得拿到个信能才证明我没有滞留吧。。。我刚把policy条款贴过来了,,帮我看看我理解错了没呗。。。谢谢啦! {:5_142:}






请问,在信上有没有写明 签证 到底是在哪天过期呢? 是在和雇主终止合同那天?还是home office desicion made 那天? 还是 60 天之后? 谢谢







