

srly??? o.O

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thanks for the link, bookmarked it.

I used to bullshit and pass time, care to tell wass srly?

I quoted what you said in blue, which was 现在的姑娘都不走做饭洗衣这条荆棘路,而是走床上捷径

you mean like a normal GP or the clinic?

OH YES .YOU MUST BE A …{:5_144:}

hmmm, ok. question time for Big Uncle, please don’t troll.

If the girlfriend acts slutty (<— maybe this word is too extreme, but I don’t know how to put it) in bed, will the boyfriend kinda lose his respect for her?

NO。除非那男得生理,心理有病{:5_138:} 性爱就是暧昧阿


what does it mean?

ahhh, just realised, did you asked what srly meant instead of what I quoted?

srly = seriously, sry, used to gaming language.

Lol Needa brush up those chat lingos

