
我第一次发邮件 给的信息不全 然后BRP很快给我回了邮件 问我要了如下的information。

Thank you for your enquiry regarding your Biometric Residence Permit. In order to deal with your enquiry, we require all of the following information:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Passport Number
Case Reference Number
BRP Reference Number (if you have one)
A contact telephone number
Full Details of the delivery address

The case reference number can be found on any written correspondence you will have received from the UK Border Agency concerning your application for leave to remain. The BRP reference number is on the front of the permit in the top right hand corner. It should start with two letters followed by 7 numbers.

Please ensure that you have provided us with all of the above information in full. If all of the above information has not been provided in full we will not able to deal with your enquiry. Once we have all the information we require, you will receive an answer to your enquiry within 10 working days. If you have not had a response from us within 28 days, you should write to us at:

Returns Unit
P.O. Box 163
Bristol BS20 1AB

You are advised not to make any travel arrangements while this matter is being investigated.

Thank you
BRP Customer Contact Centre

你也可以发邮件问问 祝好运。不过真的要谢谢LZ的分享。

嗨 我就是今早发的 。。。上周4也发了 一样的回复。

请问楼主 你1月份的申请 怎么4月20号的指纹{:5_132:}


不用客气,主要是我自己等得时间太长了。而且给UKBA也打了无数次电话,终于到六个月可以查了,说还没有completed,让再等等。我觉得打电话太不靠谱了,之前说让等六个月,六个月后说可以查然后说会再过两周给给我审理的那个team发信,就一直拖,而且那个电话太难打了,浪费我多少时间和金钱呀。不管BRP Delivery怎么着,好歹人家给个回复,我还给UKBA发了好几封email,一点回复都没有。


你是1月份就递签的 比我久很多。所以你的等待更煎熬。好在 我们都熬出头了要。祝我们好运。


我8月1日收到的BRP。嘿嘿。恭喜我们。祝其他的正在等签证的人 好运。


不好意思,最近忙着回家的事儿好久没上苹果网了。我是找的我们student union中心帮我打的,就一直等着吧,等了半个小时左右会有人接。