我觉得在英国做点小生意赚钱很容易啊, 不知道大家有没有同样的想法
签了20W, 如果真心去做生意, 怎么可能会有时间去给别人打工?
我觉得在英国做点小生意赚钱很容易啊, 不知道大家有没有同样的想法
签了20W, 如果真心去做生意, 怎么可能会有时间去给别人打工?
The amount of money invested should not:
• include the value of any residential accommodation or property development, or property
management; or
房产管理公司 = property management
guidance p41
Types of investment excluded from the award of points
Property development and property management are excluded from the types of investment accepted for the award of points. Investment in property development and management will not be taken into account for the award of points. This is because it is not the intention of this category to allow you to set up as a landlord and let properties in the United Kingdom. The intention is to promote United Kingdom competitiveness in business and to focus Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Policy Guidance version 08/2012 Page 37 of 50
the investment on promoting business beneficial to the United Kingdom economy. A person involved in property development makes improvements of some kind to immovable property (real estate), which increases its value. A person involved in property management is charged with operating immovable property (real estate) for a fee, on behalf of the owner. The restrictions on investment in property development and property management are intended to ensure that the Entrepreneur route is used to promote United Kingdom competitiveness in business.
There is no objection, however, to you investing in companies that are mainly involved in construction.
另外关于5万psw转企业家,对于申请人的具体工作或服务类型还是有一定标准的,要NQF LEVEL 4。
来来解释一下NQF LEVEL 4
NQF LEVEL 4可以参考t2 soc和mac提供的工种分析,大同小异。
企业家可以打黑工。。。 哈哈哈