


In the cover letter, tell the truth why the applicaiton is submitted after your current visa is expired.

Mention the uni staff’s advice, but don’t blame him/her. Becasue at the end of the day, it is your responsbility to check the correct information. It’s a lesson for you, and you will always remember that, and really appreciate the case worker can understand that, and give you one more chance. Say something about your study, like your study plan. You need to focus on it (Are you in the final year now? If it is, mention sth) and attend classes regurlarly… balabalabal…

As long as what you are writting in the letter is true and reasonable, I think the case workers will understand. Now as the uni staff have told you, you should focus on the exam. After that, you can start to think about what you are gonna write in the cover letter.



不过现在说,恐怕也完了。因为虽然你可以28天内寄,但你仍然是illegal stay。以后会有各种麻烦…… 比如这次万一你再有点错,那你连上诉权也没有。而且现在你的continuous stay也断了,也后想签十年,也不行了。

gd luck。

