
No, after exam, Pass or not, your instructor drive you home. You can’t drive home. You can ask people who took practical exam in UK

(Me and my wife both took practical exam in different year and with different instructor, we both pass on first time, but the instructor has to drive you home after the exam)

You can’t be more wrong.
It’s not that you are unable to drive that day…it just depends on the insurance.
If you pass the exam then you are a full licence hloder…so basically you can not drive your instructor’s car due to the insurance is not valid.
If you failed that day then you still have a PROVISIONAL LICENCE so it is ok to drive with the instructor.

LZ 老公扣分的原因是他在仍然是学院驾照的情况下。。独自一个人驾驶。。


May be you are right, we both passed 1st time.

But are you sure? So How about Pass PLUS course? Will be still using the same instructor’s car.

I have never ask why, as I was over the moon when I passed and just let the instructor drove me home.

If you do a pass plus then the instructor will need to update the insurance policy

My instructor gave me the choice, and I let him drives me back home. Your two case is up to your case, not the common rule, please do not confuse people here.


I dun even understand yr question

