


求指教 用闪光灯好吗 还是 我人物拍的都太暗了 {:5_136:}

求指教 我现在只会用毁图秀秀 用什么软件后期比较简单和好呢

求指教 因为有点敢时间 所以准备肯定有很大不足 本人新手求指点{:5_136:}

这是最有爱的回复 谢谢啦{:5_137:}

:cn10: 我是说模特,这头发染的只显脸黑了,而且还拍这种风格的背光

呵呵 现在还不要知道怎么用闪光灯呢 {:5_136:}

我觉得光线用的还不错 就是模特本身的形象不是很适合这种小清新,不知道是脸黑还是头发染的太亮:cn14:

mei you chinese shuru

Are you trying to shoot portrait? In which case, the model’s eyes must be in focus. If you choose to focus on another subject then the bokeh in the foreground must not be distracting, For example the one with the baloon in the middle, model on the lower left but out of focus, that part is distracting for the subject, which is the baloon, also there is lack of contract between foreground (model) and subject (baloon). If baloon was exposed correctly and foreground is in silhoutte it might have been better,



是啊 她不适合小清新 可能我现在只会拍点小清新 这样混合感觉是有点怪怪的 呵呵

最喜欢有技术的回复 如果能打中文就更好了 谢谢指教

我人像才拍一只手的数 哪敢接客啊 呵呵 我已经加你好友了 我可以邀请你来看照片 呵呵



But just have similar comment to the hair… :S

No Chinese input here as well


{:5_142:} 这个可以有,或者板栗色都好啊~~~~~~~~~~~
