
这边2个本科?那mm读了几年阿? :cn11:



lz那么快拿了Barclays Capital的面试了啊?

你numerical test和verbal test做的怎么样啊? :cn08:

barclays capital的test有中文选择.........所以不难.......... :cn15:


汗一下,我没有这么厉害啊,我申请的只是customer service啊,graduate都要都9月份吧,我到那个时候再申请了

哦原来是这样啊,我说Barclays Capital的Graduation Job怎么最近要求没有那么高了,因为Barcap的Graduate申请一直都要2:1才有机会进Accessment Center的,而且对毕业学校也有一定的要求,挺难进的。最基本的是先过numerical test和verbal test了,然后是tele interview和assessment center。。。最后是平均1000个申请者选不到40个(Barcap的E-mail里面说的)。 因为在投行里面Barcap的工资在英国算很高的了,一般的BO都可以拿到4万镑,FO的话工资还要高很多好点的职位Salary是6万镑+bonus+benifits。

Details Steps:
Firstly, you are asked to complete a numerical reasoning test. You will receive an e-mail within 24 hours of completion of the test indicating if you have been successful or not. If you are successful in the numerical test, you will then be invited to complete a verbal reasoning test. You will then receive an email within 24 hours of completion of the verbal test indicating if you have been successful or not.

You must successfully complete both tests within seven days to proceed to the next stage of the recruitment process.

不过,还是恭喜你了。毕竟不是每个人一开始都能找到那么Top的Graduation Job的。我们几个朋友都打算先从低做起的了。今天一个朋友才去面试了中行英国分部的职位,也是抱着骑驴找马的心态去的 :cn08:

Btw。Barcap的Graduation Job已经开了,不用等到9月了 :cn08:


这边2个本科?那mm读了几年阿? :cn11:

lzmm应该是国内读的本科,然后转过来读的under的最后一年吧,I guess :cn08:

加油MM :cn09:

谢谢lz分享,要keep 我们update 哦 :cn09:



lz那么快拿了Barclays Capital的面试了啊?

你numerical test和verbal test做的怎么样啊? :cn08:

barclays capital的test有中文选择…所以不难… :cn15:

Castilian Spanish, Danish, Dutch, French, French Québécois, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Norwegian, Simple Chinese PRC, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, UK English, US English

但是总觉得用中文做这些test不太好,本来申请这些投行的职位就竞争很大了,而且是和英国本地的一些强人竞争,语言本来就没有优势,如果连用英语做这些test的自信都没有的话还怎么竞争。。。所以我们都还是打算用英文做了 :cn15:


等你明天报告喜讯 :cn08:


good luck mm :cn09:


barkley capital 不给办work permit的哦


barkley capital 不给办work permit的哦

又道听途说了吧 :cn08: Barclay会帮忙办理working permit只是不能保证你能拿到。。。不过也没有公司会写保证你拿到的,毕竟是移民局发的不是公司发的。

Work permit questions
Do you apply for work permits and visas?

If we offer you a position and you require a work permit, we will apply on your behalf, although we can't guarantee that a work permit or visa will be issued as this is subject to local immigration laws.

各位学的都是什么专业呢? 我学INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS可以申请barclays的工作吗?

各位MM们,千万别觉得做BARCLAYS CAPITAL的TEST要选英文才好,NUMERICAL 和 VERBAL的,我都是选的中文,都有拿到INTERVIEW。。。反而那些平时比我厉害的朋友,用英文做,都有没过的呢。。。


各位MM们,千万别觉得做BARCLAYS CAPITAL的TEST要选英文才好,NUMERICAL 和 VERBAL的,我都是选的中文,都有拿到INTERVIEW。。。反而那些平时比我厉害的朋友,用英文做,都有没过的呢。。。


那么就不会PREFER 英文的 :polite:


各位MM们,千万别觉得做BARCLAYS CAPITAL的TEST要选英文才好,NUMERICAL 和 VERBAL的,我都是选的中文,都有拿到INTERVIEW。。。反而那些平时比我厉害的朋友,用英文做,都有没过的呢。。。


要是verbal能用中文答的话,真的会简单很多。像verbal要在不到一分钟回答一个题目,用英文还有有难度的。For Example:

The test has 32 questions and you will have 20 minutes to do them. At the end of the test (when 20 minutes have elapsed), you will be given a score.


Cardiovascular disease is so prevalent that virtually all businesses are likely to have employees who suffer from, or may develop, this condition. Research shows that between 50-80% of all people who suffer a heart attack are able to return to work. However, this may not be possible if they have previously been involved in heavy physical work. In such cases, it may be possible to move the employee to lighter duties, with appropriate retraining where necessary. Similarly, high-pressure, stressful work, even where it does not involve physical activity, should also be avoided. Human Resources managers should be aware of the implications of job roles for employees with a cardiac condition.

A) Physical or stressful work may bring on a heart attack. (T/F/NG)




要是verbal能用中文答的话,真的会简单很多。像verbal要在不到一分钟回答一个题目,用英文还有有难度的。For Example:

The test has 32 questions and you will have 20 minutes to do them. At the end of the test (when 20 minutes have elapsed), you will be given a score.


Cardiovascular disease is so prevalent that virtually all businesses are likely to have employees who suffer from, or may develop, this condition. Research shows that between 50-80% of all people who suffer a heart attack are able to return to work. However, this may not be possible if they have previously been involved in heavy physical work. In such cases, it may be possible to move the employee to lighter duties, with appropriate retraining where necessary. Similarly, high-pressure, stressful work, even where it does not involve physical activity, should also be avoided. Human Resources managers should be aware of the implications of job roles for employees with a cardiac condition.

A) Physical or stressful work may bring on a heart attack. (T/F/NG)
