
偶属于哪儿热闹 哪儿围观。。四处飘飘水 就好了~~~说不定啥时候还能掉个amazon giftcard在头上。。哈哈哈哈{:5_136:} 要没有 有银子也可以过得去 。。。{瞧这出息{:2_30:} }

谢谢mm 支持~~~



when i opened this page, i was in zone 2, then answered a call and showered, now i am in zone 5, everybody else is too quick

你应该在page 2 先留个爪。。再接电话。。。{:2_27:}

next time,i will


next time i won’t even look at the title, first thing is leaving message {:5_142:}

by the way, my little one is having finger food and getting better these two days, thanks for your tips :loveliness:

{:5_142:} {:5_142:}



hehe, i saw your notes on all the other pages :slight_smile: I can add a photo to one of my old one, but i don’t have my computer again, so can’t input chinese , sorry{:5_143:}

那就好啦我今天又去aldi 买了2大盒rusks。。米胖很爱rusks。。他喜欢greek yogurt + rusks + 水果粒米糊如果吃完了,用rusks 也可以诶~

还有你可以给他吃cheddar cheese。。。cheese这种东西也是抿着嘴就会融化的。。还有面包~切成finger形状,好抓我们家喜欢吃toaster的,不过他能咬不知道你家的会不会嚼


姐姐这是让我同一轮发3个帖的节奏丫。。。艾玛。。让我再酝酿酝酿。。明日发个搞笑的。。这两天卖萌卖的 我都觉得无下限了{:5_142:}

他吧,挺会合理分配的,有时摸摸苹果,抱着睡,有时啃啃那个bug ring,再有时抽风一样甩甩那个会响的镂空球。。再另外一个手拿着teething biscuit 啃啃。。。最后吧,就是他玩他的,我逛我的。。互不干涉{:5_137:}

i gave him the rusks today, all melt on his hands {:5_135:} but he is learning to chew, that’s a good sign. i gave him boiled vegie, courgette, asparagus, carrot, and grape at lunch, rusks in the afternoon tea. he really enjoyed today’s food.

enjoy 就好啦~话说,你有没有小桑感。。看着娃一点一点的学会这个 学会那个~我看着米胖满地撒欢的走,就怀念他小时候躺那儿的天屎样。。。。

那个carrot,你儿子要是长牙的时候,可以用frozen baby carrot (tesco那种1胖子1包的那种冷冻食品),给他啃。。。是我那个nursery老师教的~对米胖管用他长第五课牙的时候 整天的吃冻胡萝卜。。我觉得你要是把胡萝卜煮熟了再冻,可能咬劲没有生的厉害。。。反正米胖吃烧熟的冻胡萝卜,比他真的闹牙不舒服,为了磨牙的吃生的胡萝卜 快的多的多。。你要是你儿子闹牙可以试试~还有黄光也可以这么干。。~

ta, noted it {:5_137:}
did you see my old topic came up again{:5_129:} after months, i finally finished the “mobile”

你家还用mobile么。。我们家的mobile 被他坐在cot 里面,当健身器材,扯坏了。。。艾玛。。丫的肉真真不是白吃的{:5_131:}