【入籍】关于担保人, 可以是男友或者他爸妈吗?

好的, 谢谢





  1. 入籍申请表上第14页Section 5需要贴照片那页:

5.1 One referee should be a person of any nationality who has professional standing, eg
minister of religion, civil servant, or a member of a professional body e.g. accountant or
solicitor (who is not representing you with this application). The other referee must normally be
the holder of a British citizen passport and either a professional person or over the age of 25.
Both should declare that:-

• they are not a relative, solicitor or agent of the applicant, or related to the other referee;
• they are not employed by the Home Office;
• they have not been convicted of an imprisonable offence (unless that conviction can be disregarded in line
with the table shown on page 16 of the Booklet AN);
• they have known the applicant personally for more than 3 years;
• they are willing to give full details of their knowledge of the applicant;
• they will advise the Home Office of any reason why the applicant should not be naturalised.



You must include a recent passport size photograph of yourself with your application. You must write your name and date of birth on the back of the photograph and this should then be glued or pasted into the space provided on the application form. The photograph must show the whole of the front of your face in reasonable light. It should not show your face wholly or partly concealed by your hair (beards, sideburns and moustaches excepted) or by a scarf or traditional dress. It should not show you wearing dark glasses or a hat, hood, cap or scarf.
Your application must be endorsed by two referees.

One referee should be a person of any nationality who has professional standing, such as a minister of religion, civil servant or a member of a professional body, e.g. accountant or solicitor (but not representing you with this application). A list of acceptable professional persons can be found on our website.

The other referee must be the holder of a British citizen passport and either a professional person or over the age of 25.

Each referee should be:

not related to you

not related to the other referee

not your solicitor or agent representing you with this application

not employed by the Home Office

We will not accept a referee who has been convicted of an imprisonable offence during the last 10 years (unless that conviction can be disregarded in line with the table shown on page 16 of the Booklet AN)
If you are living abroad and do not know a British citizen who is qualified to act as one of your referees, a Commonwealth citizen or citizen of the country in which you are residing may complete and sign the form, provided he/she has professional standing in that country, has known you for three years and the Consul considers his/her signature to be acceptable.
Checks may be carried out to ensure that the referees do not have unspent convictions and are qualified to act for you and that their signatures are genuine. It is a criminal offence to provide false information knowingly or recklessly punishable with up to 3 months imprisonment or by a fine not exceeding £5,000 or both under section 46(1) of the British Nationality Act 1981.



另外,如果你还有什么不确定,如果是通过NCS申请,可以打电话去你附近的council 的NCS问,他们会很耐心的给你解释的。甚至有些gray area他们也会告诉你,虽然政策上没明确要求,但是因为什么原因等,他们建议你最好怎么办。

谢谢 {:5_137:}

不好意思, 想再请问一下, 就是想确定一下, 如果这个担保人不是英国人, 但是是专业人士, 不过不住在UK (住在他本国, 欧洲某国), 这样可以吗?


而且home office只针对申请人居住在海外的那种情况有说明:If you are living abroad and do not know a British citizen who is qualified to act as one of your referees, a Commonwealth citizen or citizen of the country in which you are residing may complete and sign the form, provided he/she has professional standing in that country, has known you for three years and the Consul considers his/her signature to be acceptable.


这段话我看到了, 就是没有说担保人是否一定住在UK, 我想我可能打电话去问问吧 {:5_145:}


i mean u can just ask my aunt to sign it. how are they gonna find out we are related?

谢谢, 但是不想RISK嘛, 不过我刚找到一个朋友签啦!她星期一帮我签, 太完美啦 {:5_142:}


谢谢! 星期一就递交啦



非常感谢 :)