9月1日更新, 谢谢vivianhw,babyknight,4830630,cl291,audrey0808,HCCA,lulu8586的热心回复!请pm我!

是的可以退,因为是作为公司operation的,所以是tax deductible expense, 你们每年都有allowance的,我记得好像是几千(3000?),但是要看车型,如果是vintage或是什么大功率跑车都不行。

是的可以退,因为是作为公司operation的,所以是tax deductible expense, 你们每年都有allowance的,我记得好像是几千(3000?),但是要看车型,如果是vintage或是什么大功率跑车都不行。之后卖车你不需要补,因为HMRC给你的benefits是针对这车是让你公司运营用的。你需要做的是去HMRC网上当个tax return form,或是等到下次tax report的时候。

@babyknight@4830630@cl291@audrey0808@HCCA@lulu8586 每人500两银子表示感谢,请pm我! 谢谢大家


#在这里When you buy a car you generally can’t reclaim the VAT. There are some exceptions - for example, when the car is used mainly as one of the following: a taxi for driving instruction for self-drive hire If you lease a car for business purposes you’ll normally be able to reclaim 50 per cent of the VAT you pay. But you can reclaim 100 per cent of the VAT if the car is used as one of the following: exclusively for a business purpose a taxi, for driving instruction or self-drive hire You can reclaim all the VAT charged on vehicle repairs and maintenance so long as: your business pays for the work there is some business use of the vehicle You can generally recover the VAT on all other business motoring expenses like fleet management or off-street parking. There are special rules for reclaiming VAT on road fuel used for business purposes.回复#


一般车的VAT是不能退的,除非是Van之类的运货用的车才能退。 有一种情况下的员工用车可以退一半的VAT,但你把车卖掉的时候也只能收一半的VAT.


