我尊重您的育儿观, 但不认为说父母的角色不能互换, 做母亲就一定要这样那样的。
很多中国的父母那么爱孩子, 孩子未必就幸福。
不是所有的人, 天生就有母性; 甚至有些生了孩子以后, 也不能完全做好角色转变。但在家人的帮助下, 她们的努力下, 她们的孩子未必就不好。有的人性格就是这样, 既然决定办一件事就不会办得差到哪里去, 跟她的初衷关系不大。
至少我还自诩是个理性的人, 尊重他人的想法, 尊重他的独立性,不会把孩子当作自己的附属物。至于他将来怎样, 我只是个观察者, 引导者。也许不会那么亲近, 但至少会聆听会欣赏。
其实我从小到大, 都想有这样一位母亲。
也许你说的那种气, 是源自我对我母亲的那种不值, 不平的感觉。一方面觉得她的付出和牺牲太无谓, 很多时候我不需要还被压得喘不过气来, 另一方面也是愧疚, 自除了顺着她的意思无以回报。。。我不想我的孩子像我一样, 不想让她有任何天生的债务。
Can’t write Chinese now.
I can see why some moms are shocked by what they can feel behind my words and I welcome such comments such as having a good think about whether to have kids but implying that my future child will suffer is a bit insulting - you don’t know me well enough to say that.
To be honest my husband and I had lots of conversations about starting a family but we have always agreed that the principle is not to neglect ourselves and not to focus too much attention on the kid. It sounds counter-intuitive but we believe a kid can only be happy in a happy family and he/she will learn and progress faster if he has parents that are devoted to their lives and not just to him. My kid will certainly be happier to know that his/her mom chose whatever way that she felt most comfortable to give birth and she had a good experience and not that she sacrificed her comfort/choice so that he/she (the child) would have a slightly better chance of not catching some disease which is very unlikely in the 1st place. At least if I were the kid, I’d much rather be in the first situration and I’d be happier. If I were the kid, I’d rather my mom was able go about her own life (if she wanted to) without being tied up to me for months, worrying about lack of milk or whatever silly concerns over my health. I’d want her to be more than just my nanny. If she’s a girl, I’d teach her to trust her own feelings/decisions and take resposibility for them.
In the old days many kids grow up with their loving grandparrents and they turn out to be fine. My parents have learned many lessons while raising the most difficult kid they could have - me, and while they can’t change their way towards me I can see that their actual thoughts are now much in line with mine. I trust them.
They will be slightly detatched (cus it’s not their own kid) and that detatchment and the knowledge that they werent succeful parents will help them to raise the kid with reason - my dad is the most reasonable man in the world until he starts talking to/about me. Likewise my lack of maternal instinct (and I’ve always been honest about it) will help me step back and realise my own faults and perhaps help keep a better watch over the kid. Often with cats and dogs, husband tends to to spoil them so they go to him for food but curl up/play with me instead.
Often it’s not how much you love them that matters but that you do love them a little for who they are.
The decision to have kids is mine and mine alone. But such decisions are very much influenced by the trust in myself, my husband, my parents and his parents. And I’m quite confident that my child will be well-provided and well-cared for. It might not be the very best we could try (like my parents did and lost themselves) but it will be OK and for the best.