

给CALPOL,如果不退烧,再给NUROFEN, 这两个种药可以一起吃,CALPOL应该就是paracetamol。如果不放心,买NUROFEN之前再问下BOOTS的人。我儿子那阵就是,吃CALPOL不退烧,一天都吃了4次了,我就给他加NUROFEN,要么烧到38度以上,我也给他吃NUROFEN退烧,不然他就开始抽了。我以前也不知道,以为发烧就吃CALPOL,后来药房的人跟我说可以跟NUROFEN一起吃的,买之前再跟药房的人确认一下了。希望宝宝早日好起来。

NUROFEN http://www.nurofenforchildren.co.uk/products/products-introduction.php




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paracetamol (小孩吃的就是 Calpol)了,和 Neurofen 可以混合一起上。
paracetamol 用后2小时再上 neurofen, 这样药力更均匀分布。

Neurofen 降体温效果非常好。不过比 paracetamol 对肠胃稍微有些刺激性,所以如果paracetamol能降下来就不用上Neurofen.

病毒感染真的没什么特效药。 抗病毒的药有是有,但副作用大,效果也不明显,连大人身上都很少用。 小孩身上真的没必要用。


恭喜恭喜。你家娃儿得了第一个胜利的勋章!赶紧拍照留念啊! 这个疹子是良性的。得一次终身免疫。有极少数人会得两次。因为这个有两种。我家那个当时被gp诊断为流感发烧。


唉 这儿就这个样 死活不给你抗生素的 晚上可以给宝宝穿很薄的衣服甚至像你说的不给穿 但是给盖个小被单之类的 而且如果宝宝烧退了就要小心蹬被子着凉 父母肯定睡不好的 祝早日康复吧!!

对了 可以问问医生 calpol 应该可以和 nurofen 一起吃的 一个是每六小时一次 另一个是每八小时一次 两个一起吃的话一天能五次 应该能把体温压住了

calpol 可以和 nurofen 一起吃,不过医生都是建议隔开两个小时给。




病毒性感冒发烧会反复的,calpol里面就是paracetamol and ibuprofen-based ,退烧药只是降低了体温,并不是杀了病毒,病毒要靠宝贝的自身抵抗力对付的。每个人提抗力不一样。



In children under five, a fever is considered to be a temperature higher than 37.5C (99.5F). Fever is very common in young children. Over 60% of parents with children aged between six months and five years say their child has had one.
Fever is usually caused by a minor viral infection, such as a cough or cold, and it can normally be treated at home.
A high temperature can be quite worrying for parents and carers, but most children recover with no problems after a few days.
How to tell if your child has a fever

Your child may have a fever if they:
feel hotter than usual when you touch their forehead, back or stomach
feel sweaty or clammy
have flushed cheeks

If you suspect your child has a fever, you should check their temperature with a thermometer. Safe, cheap digital thermometers are available from your local pharmacy, supermarket or online retailers.
Forehead thermometers should not be used as they can give inaccurate results.
Read more about how to take your child’s temperature.
How to care for your feverish child

To help keep your child comfortable, you should:
encourage them to drink plenty of fluids (if you are breastfeeding, offer regular breastfeeds)
only offer them food if they seem to want it
look out for signs of dehydration – these can include a dry mouth, no tears, sunken eyes and, in babies, fewer wet nappies and a sunken fontanelle (the soft spot on the head)
check on your child from time to time during the night
keep them away from childcare, nursery or school (and let the carer, nursery or school know your child is unwell)
If your child seems distressed, consider giving them children’s paracetamol or ibuprofen. These shouldn’t be given together. However, if you give your child one medicine and it doesn’t seem to be helping, it’s OK to try the other one before the next dose is due.
Always check the instructions on the bottle or packet carefully, and never exceed the recommended dose. Never give aspirin to children under the age of 16.
If your child suffers from asthma, seek advice from your GP or pharmacist before giving ibuprofen.
Learn more about medicines for babies and toddlers.
There’s no need to undress your child or sponge them down with tepid water. Research shows that neither actually helps to reduce fever. Avoid bundling them up in too many clothes or bedclothes.
Get more tips on looking after a sick child.
What to do if you are worried

If you’re worried about your baby or child, call your GP practice. If the practice is closed, call 111 or contact your GP out-of-hours service (there will be a phone number on your GP’s answerphone).
The doctor or nurse you speak to will ask you questions about your child’s symptoms. Your answers will help them decide whether your child can be cared for at home or whether they should be seen at the GP practice, out-of-hours centre or hospital.
Always get medical advice if:
your baby is under three months old and they have a temperature of 38C (101F) or higher
your baby is three to six months old and has a temperature of 39C (102F) or higher
you think your child may be dehydrated
your child develops a red rash that doesn’t fade when a glass is rolled over it
your child has a fit (convulsion)
your child is inconsolable and doesn’t stop crying, or has a high-pitched or unusual sound when crying
the fever lasts for more than five days
your child’s health is getting worse
you have any concerns about looking after your child at home
Read more about spotting the signs of serious illness.
另外参考文章 Fever in children:http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/feverchildren/Pages/Introduction.aspx


很多情况下病毒性感冒会合并细菌性的炎症 其症状通常非常不明显 但是可以大大延长病程 我闺女就是曾经一连一周高烧不退 最后GP实在查不出啥被我们弄烦了给了一点阿莫西林 吃下去当天就开始好转 两三天就完全康复了 当然你也可以说那只是碰巧 … 顺便说一句 我家除了我全是搞医的 …

我反正温度降不下来的时候都去walk in center的, 或者急着约GP, 记得有次宝宝也是感冒成这样几乎每天都去见医生连去了三天。 第一个医生说没事给打发了回来,第二个说喘得太厉害了,氧气供应不足, 给上了雾化。 第三天再去那个医生说扁桃腺发炎了,给了抗生素,抗生素一上就显著缓解了。 第一天冷淡的老医生, 第二天是walk in center的年轻医生, 第三天去了A&E.