
Wa 没那么严重吧,谁又能保证自己不换工作呢,再说连brokerr知道我的情况要换工作,但当时谁都不知道新工作工资没原先多,(这是在不加班情况下,)他帮我找的贷款他都没说啥, 所以应该不会有问题。



“同意借款给我的信”就是类似agreement in principle了。这个如果没有工资下降的问题很好续的。否则一定要和银行说清楚。

如果你将来经济有问题,还不上房贷,有几种解决办法。一种是银行给你优惠一点的利率,或者转成interest only, 或者就直接repo收回房子。这种情况下银行选择什么方法完全取决于银行。如果银行觉得你还不起贷款是因为你一开始申请的时候就欺骗了他们,那就别指望他们仁慈了。

如果能买到房子,相信还贷款没有问题。省一点过吧。或者出租啊。只是等待的过程太折磨人了。前天鼓起勇气和中介说如果没有行动我就退出,昨天律师问我想哪天成交,定金都交了,结果今天收到信,房主买的是leasehold,以下是律师给我的回信:I have received an update from the vendors solicitor and unfortunately they are not yet in a position to exchange contracts as their clients related purchase is not in a position to proceed. The vendor is purchasing a leasehold property and they await responses to enquiries from the management company and vendors solicitor before they will be in a position to exchange contracts. I am aware the vendor is elderly and her daughter will be helping her move. The vendors solicitor has informed us that they are chasing the replies required. I informed the vendors solicitor that you must complete as soon as possible and I have requested that they keep us updated. 。有谁知道这leasehold 房子的过程啊,我这房主她现在在哪一步? 我还的等多久啊? 啥都干不了,就等这房子了。


Good results.:victory:




mortgage一般有6个月有效期,所以不必担心。 有chain的话只能等了

急 ! 求教,还没有交接房子,可是今日查我的银行账户,发现房屋保险费用被扣除了?这是怎么一回事?