【求教】新手纠结pushchair的选择~~已经定了Bugaboo C3 多谢各位的意见 mothercare match deal GBP875

Icandy没用过,但买的bugaboo c3,从来没后悔过



缺点就是一人带娃出门的时候这种two parts的不方便折叠,不过这两款都是two parts,这点忽略

也在纠结买,看了很多帖子,很多人都推荐bugaboo c3~~~

从宝宝出生到现在用了upababy vista五周,从第一周开始用,每隔几天就出门,基本上很满意。价格比bugaboo便宜些,非常牢靠,下面的shopping bag很大,轮子很大,行走稳固,折叠和装起来都很方便。然而,只要有可能不用pushchair的话,我的第一选择还是sling,可以试试ergobaby sling,有infant insert,非常sturdy,质量很好。不管你最后买哪个push chair,最后可能都会发现还是sling方便太多太多,我现在出门,只要情况允许,宁可前面sling挂一个胖娃娃,后面背一个大包步行,中间找个咖啡厅喂奶换下尿布等等,宝宝喜欢,自己走的一身汗等于是去gym了,双赢 :D:D

进来看答案, 以后可以备用

Bugaboo C3 +1
I quite like it but I haven’t tried any other pushchairs…

Get an Ergobaby if you’re considering using a baby carrier. I was given a Babybjorn carrier and bought a Boba wrap, but our Ergobaby carrier was the only one that worked for us. LO falls asleep in it within 20 minutes every single time whereas she screamed and struggled in the other two.
You could get an infant insert and head support for babies under 4 months.
The only complain I have is that it feels rather awkward sitting down wearing an Ergobaby original. Both me a my LO are pretty tall, I’m 175 cm and she’s almost 70 cm now at 5 and half months. I don’t know if it’s her height that makes it uncomfortable to sit down…
But it’s an otherwise lovely carrier.
I don’t have to carry her but I love the closeness and the warmth of her little body against mine :slight_smile:
Really enjoy carrying her out for a decaf and watching her falling asleep.

多谢推荐,我也正需要看baby carrier呢!!

谢谢这么详细的分享和回复! {:5_137:}
正好也需要有关baby carrier的意见呢,每次看见爸爸或者妈妈把宝宝抱在胸前那种亲密都感觉很温馨!

我买的是 uppababy vista. 觉得bugaboo有点太低了,吸尘的感觉,而且cameleon3有点overprice我觉得,这样那样的附件加起来快1000了。性价比不高。

上周末在baby show定了bugaboo bee,还没有送到,当时看着觉得uppababy cruz也不错,座位够高,看着很舒服,但可惜当天没有好的折扣,所以没买~

多谢各位的热心推荐和分析,根据大家的建议已经定了Bugaboo C3,是在pramworld上面找到的deal,pushchair carrycot seatliner加maxicosi pebble的infant carseat 和adopter 一共875镑,觉得还挺划算的,我家附近有个mothercare实体店,他们做price match,所以带着这个 deal去的话可以拿到同样价格,于是就在mothercare买了,因为还是觉得买这种看得见摸得着的比较放心。
如果有同样的新手准妈妈也感兴趣,可以去pramworld这个网站看看,很多 deal在上面,以前有个帖子推荐过justkidding online,他们也有deal是850镑,可惜mothercare不match这个price,就放弃了。

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bee现在也有carrycot了.也有卖3 in 1 travel system了。