我下个月工签(Tier2)可以申请永居了,但是我老婆可能来不及考过Life in the UK和B1英语. 本来相等她考完再一起申请,但是最近英国脱欧,我们怕有大变化,所以我想和我女儿一起先申请. 但是我在UK Home office网上看到下面一段话,不知道是不是一定要一家三口一起申请才行?请苹果的朋友们帮忙看看.
You and your child’s other parent must both be in the UK legally, or currently applying to enter, remain or settle, for the child to be allowed to settle.
你们两人现在both legally in the UK,条件满足了,放心去申请吧,骚年!
Requirements for indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom as the child of a parent, parents or a relative present and settled or being admitted for settlement in the United Kingdom
- The requirements to be met by a person seeking indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom as the child of a parent, parents or a relative present and settled in the United Kingdom are that he:
(i) is seeking to remain with a parent, parents or a relative in one of the following circumstances:
u both parents are present and settled in the United Kingdom[/u]; or
(b) one parent is present and settled in the United Kingdom and the other parent is dead; or
(c) one parent is present and settled in the United Kingdom and has had sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing or the child normally lives with this parent and not their other parent; or
(d) one parent or a relative is present and settled in the United Kingdom and there are serious and compelling family or other considerations which make exclusion of the child undesirable and suitable arrangements have been made for the child’s care; and
多谢你的回复. 那我再请教一下,孩子和妈妈都是Tier 2 Dependant签证,明年7月才到期. 我如果拿到永居后,她们是不是需要换签证,还是她们可以继续用Tier 2 Dependant, 等我老婆考出Life in the UK, 可以再直接申请永居.
多问一下,我老公下个月办理10年永居,孩子一直是depend on 他的Tier 4签证。 我老公能单独去办理他的10年么? 办下来之后,孩子办理入籍,可以么? 如果可以,那孩子现在的depend on 签证是否就直接无效了还是可以继续用一直到现在的签证到期?
你找到的这段政策,链接是否能发我一下,多谢!我们也是T2 ,5年永居,我今年到5年,但我老婆和孩子是去年才来的。今天看政府的网站,并没有强调孩子要跟最晚的一方一起拿永居,拷屏在上一个回复里。多谢!