

最新的文件 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/544464/PHE_vaccine_update_249_July_2016.pdf

Pertussis is on the increase
The number of confirmed pertussis cases reported in England in 2015 was the
highest since the peak in 2012. Cases have continued to increase in the first five
months of 2016

. This increase has been seen across all age groups including
infants under 3 months of age who are most vulnerable to severe disease.
There have been two deaths in infants with pertussis confirmed in the first five
months of this year. Sixteen deaths have now been reported in young babies
with confirmed pertussis who were born after the introduction of the pregnancy
programme. Only two of these infants had a mother who had been vaccinated
during pregnancy but in both cases this was too close to delivery (<10 days) to
confer optimal passive protection in the infant. All of the sixteen babies were too
young to be fully protected by vaccination themselves and only one had received
their first dose of pertussis-containing vaccine.
It is important to be aware that the recent increases in pertussis activity come on
top of persistent raised levels of disease in older age groups since the 2012 peak.
It is therefore important that pregnant women continue to be encouraged to be
immunised against pertussis.

The pertussis vaccination in pregnancy programme was introduced in October 2012
in response to a national outbreak and a significant increase in infant cases and
deaths. Pertussis immunisation in pregnancy is a safe and highly effective way for
women to protect their babies from the time they are born

and the programme is
in place until at least 2019

From 1 April 2016 the recommended gestational age for vaccination was revised
to between 16–32 weeks (previously recommended from 28–32 weeks) to offer
more opportunities for women to be vaccinated

. For operational reasons, pertussis
vaccination should be offered from around 20 weeks on, or after the foetal
anomaly scan.


mm我可以再问一个问题吗?我12月初预产期,流感好像一般就是从10月开始,要不要去打个flu jab呢?那个是等到流感快开始再打吗?谢谢你!



我flu jab是13周打的,秋天,百日咳是30周打的,22周的时候问了,被告知28-32周打最好…




12 月初预产期,都打了!


