Land register 有你名字吗?
楼主买的是利物浦哪个地方的 我也买了一套,迟迟没有建好
利物浦的 lightbox, l3 b55,16年建好的,
你买的哪个位置?是assured rent吗?
能告诉我更多详细信息吗,你买的哪个开发商和管理中介,是assured income吗?另外你是英国居民吧?
站内短信给你了。请问你当时请律师处理的是房屋中介这一类的事情吗?我目前正在找律师,但咨询了几个都说他们不处理这方面的事件。我打算问个专业的人看看合同,确认没有漏洞,然后在small court claim 或者别的方式。
有。11月买的,12底第一笔钱。3月收到的land register
Student apartment and hotel room investments are unregulated. Advisers flagged concerns of a lack of evidence to support the high rental yields that are promised.
Martin Bamford of Informed Choice, the financial adviser, said: “We have seen recent examples of investments in these student apartment and hotel room which has all of the hallmarks of a toxic investment which is wholly unsuitable for retail investors.
“In my professional opinion, all non-mainstream investments are potentially toxic. The main features of toxic investments I have seen in the past are typically low liquidity, massive borrowing to invest, high and complex charges, and obscure underlying assets.”
我觉得投资学生公寓一件和旅馆一件, 还不如我投资买shipping container. lease 给 shipping line. 24X 7 运转。 1000镑一个, 年回报12%
Basically, the shipping containers industry is growing fast, and more and more investors are choosing to invest in shipping containers. It is considered a safe venture, relatively low-risk with high-yield returns of 12 to 15 percent.
Start with researching established container leasing companies such as Pacific Tycoon, CAI International, BUSS and others, and find out what they offer you in return to the amount of money you are willing to invest.
很多投资公司都搞租赁, 小到租工具,汽车,大到租飞机,轮船。
These sorts of unitised property investments, such as rooms or suites in blocks of student accommodation, or single rooms within a hotel, have a patchy record. Some have flopped badly. Investors discover they cannot sell, because there is no secondary market for piecemeal rooms in a block; or that they are lumbered with onerous management contracts which wipe out some or all the returns.
投资旅馆,学生公寓,老人公寓, 一般还都是机构,养老金这些公司的主战场。 个人分一杯羹可不容易。 一般一百万以上起跳
更新一下,中介拖欠了6个月房租,后来我请了个律师,, 律师出了封信催款,连本带息都还上了。同意还的时候还耍人,故意把名字写错,不肯更正,律师又要求把钱直接打到英国律师账户,才顺利要回欠款。律师费花了1500镑。之后的2个季度都主动打款了,不过都拖延了1个月左右。总的看来跟我估计的差不多,欺负客户是中国人(不住在英国的中国人)。
下回再不给钱直接到small claim court提交诉讼,你金额不大,诉讼没多少钱,几十磅吧,这种不用请律师,律师太贵,你的收租金额也太少,律师不愿意接。你有跟其他购买者有联系么?可以建个群