出租房,租客要求赔偿inconvenience and loss of facility


If your tenancy started after 30 September 2015 your landlord can’t evict you unless they’ve given you:

a copy of the leaflet ‘How to rent: the checklist for renting in England’
an energy performance certificate
a gas safety certificate
They have to use the form ‘Notice seeking possession of a property let on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (Form 6a)’.

没有听说过涨房租提前一个月通知就行,如果是签的fix term的tenancy agreement,合同期(比如一年两年)内根本不能涨房租(合同里面规定除外),如果你第一次合同到期没有签新合同,那现在你和房客的合同就是periodical tenancy,所有term和以前合同一样也不能涨房租。

终止合同问题,如果是periodical tenancy,notice period和原来合同一样(一个月或者两个月)。如果是fix term的tenancy,除非房客有不交房租问题,6个月内也不能终止合同,6个月以后如果你想终止又不能和房客达成协议那就只能走法律程序了,既然你用中介那中介应该会告诉你如何办的。

以前一直对她很好,这次房客突然变脸而且出言不逊,感觉跟吞了苍蝇似的,非常不舒服。也不怕打官司,因为inconvenience 赔偿金额也很难界定,就是不想花时间和精力。如果方便的话,能否把小额法庭流程发到站内信箱?谢谢。

我是看了政府网站在琢磨怎么办,其实想说的是合同终止前一个月通知涨房租就行,不是半年。因为合同中间涨太难了。关于中止合同,我们的合同是一年的,已经过六个月了,要是有break clause 应该可以提前中止吧?当然最安全的是到期中止。但是发现中介可能有些工作不到位,如果没按照新规定提供所有文件给租客,可能会被抓住把柄。走一步看一步吧。希望公寓别再经常出问题。要是每个小问题都要找trade man的话真承受不了。一会儿冷水管不冷,一会儿暖气温度不能调节。后来都证照没什么问题的。,
For a periodic tenancy (rolling on a week-by-week or month-by-month basis) your landlord can’t normally increase the rent more than once a year without your agreement.

For a fixed-term tenancy (running for a set period) your landlord can only increase the rent if you agree. If you don’t agree, the rent can only be increased when the fixed term ends.

General rules around rent increases
For any tenancy:

your landlord must get your permission if they want to increase the rent by more than previously agreed
the rent increase must be fair and realistic, ie in line with average local rents
How your landlord must propose a rent increase
If the tenancy agreement lays down a procedure for increasing rent, your landlord must stick to this. Otherwise, your landlord can:

renew your tenancy agreement at the end of the fixed term, but with an increased rent
agree a rent increase with you and produce a written record of the agreement that you both sign
use a ‘Landlord’s notice proposing a new rent’ form, which increases the rent after the fixed term has ended
Your landlord must give you a minimum of one month’s notice (if you pay rent weekly or monthly). If you have a yearly tenancy, they must give you 6 months’ notice.


如果这个公寓里只有一个卫生间的话,两个星期不能正常使用房东给房客提供一定补偿是合理的。保持基本的卫生设备in working order是房东的责任之一。


也可以理解,会给她赔一部分的,关键是对她的处理方法感到意外。以前有一次不知道哪飞来的苍蝇在公寓里下了卵,(公寓比较新),她吓得一惊一诈马上自己找了pet control公司连夜处理了,价格也不便宜,当然费用算我们帐上,虽然不知道苍蝇的来源,合同上也没有这条,但她反应很恐慌就同意支付了。这次马桶事件她两周没半句怨言直到最后修完当天马上索赔。要是最初或中途complain可能就会有别的选择了。而且房租每月都是拖几天或更长,但又不超过合同要求,说实在的我们都不怎么查 ,有时候好几个月才回头看看,也从来没收过任何滞期费,合同上有规定。她走的时候可不可以把过去几年的滞期费扣除?

不陪,大不了闹上庭,法官判赔偿也要有根据的,不能房客说多少就多少。 同意其他人意见,就是圣诞节缺钱找个事情闹一闹。 以前也遇上过这种,圣诞节holiday不想给房租原因是怕我跑了,后来我说不给可以不退定金一个月后搬出,亲耳听到房客打电话借钱