
How to Avoid Power Struggles with Children: Strategies to stop the arguing and gain compliance


A power struggle is when a child refuses to do something and the parent continues to insist the child “Do it now.” The ongoing banter can become a battle of the wills as the parent says, “Yes,” and the child says, “No.” The longer this argument carries on, the more difficult it becomes to get the child to comply. There are steps parents can take to regain control and end power struggles.

The Problems with Power Struggles
There are a few problems with power struggles. One problem is that the more you argue or try to force the child to do something, often the more tempers flare. When you and your child are both frustrated and angry, you aren’t likely to be able to accomplish anything.

When kids can engage you in a power struggle, it often delays their task. For example, if you tell your child to clean his room and he argues with you, the longer he argues, the more time he is wasting not cleaning his room. Sometimes kids enjoy pushing their parent’s buttons in an attempt to get out of doing things.

Lastly, when adults enter into a power struggle the goal is to win. Winning means getting a child to do something he doesn’t want to do. Sometimes the more desperate a parent becomes to get a child to comply, the more resistant the child grows. When children are forced to do something they don’t want to do, they often focus more on their anger toward their parent rather than learning a lesson.

Pick Your Battles

It’s essential that parents pick their battles when it comes to giving kids commands. Sometimes it makes sense to allow kids to face natural consequences rather than try and force them to do something they don’t want to do. Natural consequences often prove to be an excellent teacher.
For example, if your ten-year-old is refusing to put on his jacket before he plays outside, it may not be worth arguing about.

Unless it is dangerously cold, you might consider allowing him to go out without a jacket and the natural consequence is that he will be cold.

Engage Kids in Problem-Solving

If you find that yourself engaging in frequent power struggles over the same issue, try to problem-solve together. Look for a mutually agreed upon solution that will end the power struggle.

I once worked with a parent who insisted her teenager’s room be cleaned daily. However, the teenager felt it was unreasonable to clean her room daily and they argued about this issue almost every day. Eventually, they problem-solved together and reached a compromise. Her mother agreed to keep her teenager’s door shut during the week and the teenager agreed to clean her room every weekend. It stopped the fighting and their relationship improved.

Offer Choices

There are steps parents can take to increase the effectiveness of their instructions. For example, state your expectations clearly and make your requests calmly.

When possible, offer two choices. Just make sure you can live with either choice. For example, if you want your child to put his clothes away and he’s watching TV, say, “Would you rather put your clothes away now or do you want to wait until a commercial break?” Either choice will get the job done.

But for a defiant child, it can seem like a victory to be able to wait until the next commercial break.

Give a Warning and Provide a Consequence
Sometimes it’s necessary to provide a negative consequence. Instead of arguing or trying to force a child to do something, stay calm and issue a single warning. If your child doesn’t comply, a consequence such as taking away a privilege can be very effective.

Don’t provide multiple warnings or repeat your instructions over and over. Simply make it known “You can comply or you can lose a privilege.” Then leave the choice up to the child.

For example, instead of nagging, arguing or begging your child to go to bed, provide a warning.

Say, “If you don’t go to bed now, you will lose your electronics for 24 hours.” If your child doesn’t go to bed, he loses his electronics and there’s no arguing about it. If he continues to stay up, the natural consequence is that he’ll be tired tomorrow.

For younger children, taking away a privilege can be a great back up to time out. If your child refuses to serve a time out, instead of trying to force him to do so, give him a warning. “If you don’t go to time out right now, you won’t be able to go to the playground later today.” Then leave the choice up to him.

Don’t threaten to take away anything that you wouldn’t follow through with doing. For example, don’t say you’ll take away his trip to Grandma’s house this weekend unless you really plan to take that away. If you make idle threats and don’t follow through you’ll be teaching your child that you don’t mean what you say。


奶嘴是他的一种心理安慰,对他很重要对你没有任何关系,我个人觉得这就是个无伤大雅的小事,我不明白你们为什么要为这事和孩子争斗?如果孩子心理上真的需要这样的安慰,你们把他拿了,你得给他替代品吧? {:5_145:}

举一个类似例子,如果孩子是左撇子你们会因为这不“normal”强制换右手吗? {:5_139:}





不好的话,那为什么给他玩?玩上依赖性又不给他玩了,你们这是欺负小孩啊。 {:5_145:}

小时候不是没有牙齿嘛,也不会说话,嗷嗷哭很可怜啊……现在长大了,有些故意的要吃,不给吃就可劲儿哭闹,这是欺负我们大人啊 {:5_145:}


我也觉得是基因问题,因为我自己就是非常熊的熊孩子 {:5_145:}






我宝宝才3个月,所以我一开始没看明白,一直以为楼主是在说宠物 {:5_129:} 宝宝也会咬人?我真的没经验没法想象


可能你孩子闹是因为你没有给他足够的理由就直接把奶嘴拿走了,所以他是不是有种感觉是你抢走了他的东西。而我俩儿子,当时都是自己扔了的,所以他们也只能怪自己了,虽然伤心但也不能太怪爹妈啊~ {:5_134:}

It would be much easier if you never gave to them. {:5_142:}

相信我,我女儿绝对不属于天使娃,所有好朋友都是男孩,妥妥的女汉子一枚,我其实是不太愿意管教孩子的,都是受周围妈妈的影响,无论男孩女孩,她们都把孩子教育的特别好特别规矩,如果我不管教就会融不进去了,而且有规矩的孩子上了幼儿园特别受欢迎,由于我们搬家的原因,我女儿已经换了三个幼儿园了,每次都能很快交到小朋友,孩子过生日一般都只邀请最要好那几个,我女儿基本都能收到,而且还总有家长约我们出去玩 吃完之类的