



房东是有right to enter to inspect given 24 hours notice,但如果房客refuse那房东也不能force entry,只能去找court来enforce房东的right啊。

房东确实有legal right

A Landlord’s Rights of Entry

As a landlord, you have three primary rights of entry.

The Right of Reasonable Access
Your first right as a landlord is a right of reasonable access to carry out repairs. The definition of ‘reasonable access’ will be dependent upon why you need to gain entry. For example, in an emergency, you’ll be entitled to immediately enter the property to carry out any necessary work.

The Right to Enter to Inspect the State of Repair of the Property/Empty a Fuel Slot Meter
Your second right as owner of the property is a right to enter to inspect the state of repair of the building or to empty a fuel slot meter.

Unlike the former right, however, this does not grant you an immediate right of entry. In this case, 24 hours’ notice must be provided prior to entering your tenant’s home.

The Right to Enter in Order to Provide Room Cleaning Services
The third right is conditional upon the contract between you and your tenant, and only arises if you have an agreement stipulating that you’ll provide a room-cleaning service, or where the room is shared by multiple lodgers. In this scenario, you don’t need to obtain permission before entering the property.

In every other circumstance, you don’t have a right of entry unless you have a court order stating otherwise.

The Law
A landlord’s right of entry is statutorily regulated, in accordance with the rules laid out in the Housing Act 1988.


我也不想给别人不好的评价, 可是就跟她短短的几次接触,她已经跟我讲过:隔壁老头带女的回来(老头路都走不利索),对面是个中国学生,以往的房客多么喜欢她,去她家修CCTV的人多么可疑,还叫我帮她修电脑。。我是超级不喜欢和人打交道的工科生,真的适应不了这种


看来是share house~单听你的形容,房东有点鸡婆八卦。不过反正不怎么见到,应付应付就好~

并不是,one-bedroom flat, 而且她住的地方离我们超过50迈 {:5_129:}

应付一下就好~ Good luck

房东关心你的工资也很正常,你付不出房租他可倒霉了,做credit check工资单位全部写在上面。房东如果觉得房客太邋遢是有权利赶房客的


跟房东是否是中国人有关系吗?租房契约里都有写明。房东有义务检查设施设备是否在正常状态, 这一点她就可以正常来看。





一般租房合约上都会有这条的,关于给多长notice, 房东是可以inspection 。你看下合同,按合同办事就好了。
