
如果你是独生子女,你母亲是一个人,那可以直接申请elderly dependent visa,一般都是直接给永居。
This visa exists for individuals who are present and settled in the UK to bring their elderly dependent relative (parent or grandparent), in certain circumstances, to join them in the UK.

Elderly Dependent Requirements

The elderly dependent is a parent or grandparent;
The elderly dependent is wholly financially or mainly dependent on the relative present and settled in the UK and has no other relatives; in their home country with the ability to provide adequate support;
If widowed/made widower the elderly dependent is 65 years of age or older;
If travelling as a couple one of the elderly dependents is 65 or older;
The relative present and settled in the UK must be able to support and accommodate their elderly dependent without recourse to public funds.
In certain exceptional circumstances other relatives may be considered as elderly dependents, please contact one of our consultants for further clarification regarding this.

Conditions of the Visa

Usually a successful application would usually result in the issue of Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).

E-ECDR.2.5. The applicant or, if the applicant and their partner are the sponsor’s parents or grandparents, the applicant’s partner, must be unable, even with the practical and financial help of the sponsor, to obtain the required level of care in the country where they are living, because-

(a) it is not available and there is no person in that country who can reasonably provide it; or

(b) it is not affordable

关键是这一条。如果能证明他们emotionally and financially 需要你的full time support.

Are the rules likely to change?

In December 2016 the Home Office published a review of the adult dependent relative rules. The review found that the number of visas issued to parents and grandparents plummeted from 2,325 per year to an average of 162 per year when the new rules were introduced. The number of successful cases each year has actually fallen, and most of the visa grants involved an initial refusal followed by an allowed appeal.

The review considered whether the rules were meeting their policy objectives and whether alternative rules might be introduced, such as compulsory health insurance, an increased NHS surcharge or payment of a financial bond. It concluded that the rules would not be changed.

It therefore seems that the adult dependent relative rules will continue in their current form for the foreseeable future. There appears to be little appetite to permit elderly relatives to enter the United Kingdom.

川普70岁当选总统,英国法定67岁退休 中国人年轻,65岁正年富力强,撸起袖子加油干的年龄。

中国人均GDP已经突破9000美金了,北上已经破3万美金。 按照没有收入来源这一条申请移民不太可能了。 国内普通退休金也500-600英镑一个月,还有房产呢。





